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- Sep 2017
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Theorem 1.1.LetMn1andMn2be hypersurfaces ofNn+1that are tan-gent atpand let0be a unitary vector that is normal toMn1atp. SupposethatMn1remains aboveMn2in a neighborhood ofpwith respect to0. De-note byH1r(x)andH2r(x)ther-mean curvature atx2WofMn1andMn2,respectively. Assume that, for somer,1rn, we haveH2r(x)H1r(x)in a neighborhood of zero; ifr2, assume also that2(0), the principal cur-vature vector ofM2at zero, belongs to r. ThenMn1andMn2coincide in aneighborhood ofp
Princípio da tangência no interior, para as curvaturas médias de ordem superior.
A TANGENCY PRINCIPLE AND APPLICATIONS 215Suppose thatMn1remains aboveMn2in a neighborhood ofpwith respect to0.Denote byH1r(x)andH2r(x)ther-mean curvatures atx2WofMn1andMn2,respectively. Assume that, for somer,1rn, we haveH2r(x)H1r(x)in a neighborhood of zero. Ifr2, assume also that2(0), the principalcurvature vector ofM2at zero, belongs to r. ThenMn1andMn2coincide ina neighborhood ofp.
Princípio da tangência no bordo, para as curvaturas médias de ordem superior.