- Mar 2022
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Project Discovery Phase
The main software development project phases, such as design, code writing, testing, deployment, and support, are well-liked by most entrepreneurs. But what about the Phase of Project Discovery? The Discovery Phase is the most underappreciated stage, and it may appear to be far more important than the others combined. The discovery phase of a project is frequently associated with unnecessary costs and, on occasion, with saving tens of thousands of dollars. The project discovery phase, on the other hand, is all about cost-effective product development.
- Jul 2021
What is Project Discovery Phase in Custom Software DevelopmentDmitry ChekalinChief Executive OfficerDaniil TorkutDeveloper AdvocateCustom SoftwareHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipWhat is Project Discovery Phase in Custom Software DevelopmentMar 30, 202012 min readSo, you came up with a new product idea. What’s next? For sure, you want to get a time and cost estimation from a software agency. However, most likely, they won’t be able to provide an accurate timeline and development costs after your request.The matter is that to provide an estimate, a development team needs more information than you think. Is there any solution in this situation? Sure, it is a project discovery phase.In this article, we will share a brief overview of a project discovery stage, and cover its goals, main tasks, and results for customers.
So, you came up with a new product idea. What’s next? For sure, you want to get a time and cost estimation from a software agency. However, most likely, they won’t be able to provide an accurate timeline and development costs after your request.
The matter is that to provide an estimate, a development team needs more information than you think. Is there any solution in this situation? Sure, it is a project discovery phase.
In this article, we will share a brief overview of a project discovery stage, and cover its goals, main tasks, and results for customers.