1 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2023
sonec.org sonec.org
where every voicematters and all decide as equals with each other
for:question - SONEC - is equal voting really equal?, question - SONEC - voter education
- all may decide as equals with each other, but each human being is unique so each decision will be unique.
- some may be better suited to make a decision than another, but if all have equal weight, that is also not fair if someone without enough education decides. How to resolve this?
- Can the Indyweb help with this to map out the unique lifeworld (lebenswelt) of each individual to surface the unique capacities of each person, and their competencies for voting on a particular issue?
- Voting is an important decision-making position and the voter is either informed, or if not sufficiently informed should ideally be educated to make an informed decision