2 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2023
www.bollier.org www.bollier.org
. The subterranean Republic of Commoners needs to step into the light of day.
-for: quote, quote - David Bollier, call to action, meme, meme - subterranean republic of commoners
- The subterranean Republic of Commoners needs to step into the light of day.
meme: subterranean republic of commoners
- catchy!
The problem is that this pluriverse of system-change players remains largely disorganized. They are marginalized and eclipsed by the raw power of the market/state system.
- for: quote, quote - David Bollier, quote - silos of communities
- quote
- The problem is that this pluriverse of system-change players remains largely disorganized. -They are marginalized and eclipsed by the raw power of the market/state system.
- Author: David Bollier