3 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. I think one of the other mistakes that have been made in biology of the 20th century was

      for - individual / collective gestalt - gene centrism - paradigm shift - adjacency - mistake of 20th century biology - reductionism - separating organism from environment - individual / collective gestalt, individual / environment gestalt - quote - mistake of 20th century biology - Ray Noble - key insight - mistake of 20th century biology- Ray Noble

      quote - mistake of 20th century biology - Ray Noble - (see below)

      • I think one of the other mistakes that have been made in biology of the 20th century
        • was to treat organisms as if they existed within an environment that was sort of like some nebulous box as it were
        • and you could study the organism by taking it out
        • and you study it in isolation
      • It's the beginning of reductionism in a sense because
        • you taken it away from the environment but the organism has an intimate relationship with the environment
      • It's feeding both
        • to the environment and
        • from the environment
      • What is that environment?
        • That environment in large part is
          • other organisms of the same species but
          • other organisms of different species
      • and it's in a continuous bubble of change
      • It's like a cauldron of change
      • So the big question for life is
        • how do you maintain yourself in this cauldron of change?
      • You cannot do it by standing still
      • You have to respond to it
        • so it's not surprising therefore that you find that you know organisms have mechanisms for responding to those changes

      adjacency - mistake of 20th century biology - between - reductionism - separating organism from environment - individual / collective gestalt, - individual / environment gestalt - adjacency relationship - The mistake that 20th century biology has made is in - ascribing too much power to the gene, and - minimizing the role of epigenetics - Focusing the majority of attention and resources on the genes of the organism, and - defocusing attention on the organisms (epigenetic) interactions with the environment, including both - biotic elements and - abiotic elements - It's not the case that the genes are the major determinant factor and the epigenetics play a minor role - It IS the case that epigenetics play an equally important role in transmitting and assimilating features into the genome - The individual organism is intertwingled with its environment and with other living organisms - The individual / collective gestalt and the individual / environment gestalt is the appropriate unit of study

    1. a more holistic approach to the organism rather than a reductionist one I'm afraid we have to because 00:26:36 reductionism has failed

      for - quote - reductionism has failed - Denis Noble

  2. Jul 2023
    1. Paul Kingsnorth
      • quote -“If you can’t read or understand the ‘peer-reviewed science’ then you are open to being intimidated into fearful silence by those who can, or claim they can. And those people - drawn, as all green ‘thought leaders’ are, from the upper strata of society - will bring with them a worldview which treats the mass of humanity like so many cattle to be herded into the sustainable, zero-carbon pen.”

      • comment

        • The problem can be extrapolated into language itself
        • Any word is just an abstraction and oversimplifies a complex reality
        • if we generalize this argument, it leads to the general claim that
          • abstraction leads to harmful conclusions as well