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  1. Aug 2024
    1. there is one aspect one element of the universe that we have direct unmediated access to when i say unmediated i mean we have access to it through a channel that is does not go through perception or thought and that is our knowledge of our self our knowledge of our self is the only knowledge there is that is not mediated through thought or perception and therefore it is the only channel through which we have direct unmediated access to the reality of the universe and it is for this reason that self-knowledge stands at the heart of all the great religious and spiritual traditions

      for - key insight - quote - self knowledge - Rupert Spira

      key insight - quote - self knowledge - Rupert Spira - There is one aspect of the universe that we have direct unmediated access to w

      • When i say unmediated i mean we have access to it through a channel that is does not go through

        • perception or
        • thought and that is our knowledge of our self
      • Our knowledge of our self is the only knowledge there is that is not mediated through

        • thought or
        • perception
      • and therefore it is the only channel through which we have direct unmediated access to the reality of the universe

      • It is for this reason that self-knowledge stands at the heart of all the great religious and spiritual traditions.