11 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2019
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
It makes sense that the incoherent render would not be committed to browser and that it would not have any consequences most of the time. But that means that you render logic must be ready to manage incoherency between props and states without crashing. E.g. a list of resource ids in props that doesn't match a list of http requests from a previous id list in the state could lead to weird situations. This is a worry that didn't exist in class components.
- Sep 2019
medium.com medium.com
The equivalent ways in functional components using Hooks:In a state variable: useState or useReducer. Updates in state variables will cause a re-render of the component.In a ref: Equivalent to instance variables in class components. Mutating the .current property won’t cause a re-render.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
cloudreports.net cloudreports.net
const forceUpdate = () => useState(0)[1];
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
const [, updateState] = React.useState(); const forceUpdate = React.useCallback(() => updateState({}), []);
const [value, set] = useState(true); //boolean state return () => set(!value); // toggle the state to force render