2 Matching Annotations
- Jul 2018
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
In contrast to the assumption oftime as linear, with ordered chunks progressing ina straightforward manner, people often negotiate time rhythmically, arranging timein patterns and tempos that do not always co-exist harmoniously.
Does rhythmic time help to explain some of the tension in crowdsourcing crisis data from non-linear social media streams?
In contrast to the assumption oftime as linear, with ordered chunks progressing ina straightforward manner, people often negotiate time rhythmically, arranging timein patterns and tempos that do not always co-exist harmoniously. In line with earlier CSCW findings [e.g., 4, 9, 45, 46], we term thisrhythmic time, which acknowledges both the rhythmic nature of temporal experience as well a potential disorderliness or ‘dissonance’ when temporal rhythms conflict.Like mosaic time, bringing dissonant rhythms into semi-alignment requires adaptation, work, and patience.
Rhythmic time definition. Counters the idea of linear time.
How does this fit (or not) with Reddy's notion of temporal rhythms?