2 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2023
project-mage.org project-mage.org
An OS as an interactive image that runs independent services that communicate via message-passing.
- Sep 2015
As the previous examples showed Pharo has very much in common with an operating system. The difference is that it is more a lively kernel and scriptable object system that one can easily persist and transfer and that is easily extendable using the Smalltalk language.
En tracing the dynabook se muestra cómo smalltalk era una alternativa a los sistemas operativos. Era otra manera de plantear toda una experiencia de cómputo completa y a la vez minimalista.
In Tracing the dynabook it is shown how smalltalk was an alternative to operative systems, It was another way to propose a whole computer experience which was, at the same time complete and minimalist.