1 Matching Annotations
- Jul 2022
bafybeifajt2qvaapl2vgek66uqcx2fe3cmgmhiw3i5ex6otvfvyqdnc2ty.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeifajt2qvaapl2vgek66uqcx2fe3cmgmhiw3i5ex6otvfvyqdnc2ty.ipfs.dweb.link
e first present the updated socio-economic trends in Figure 1 as global aggregates as in theoriginal set of 12 socio-economic graphs. We have also now, where the data permit, split ten of thesocio-economic graphs into trends for the OECD countries, for the so-called BRICS countries(Brazil, Russia, India, China (including Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan where applicable) andSouth Africa), and for the rest of the world (Figure 2). OECD members are here defined as coun-tries that were members in 2010 and their membership status was applied to the whole data set,which in some cases goes as far back as 1750.
Socio-economic trends are split into three groups: OECD, BRICS and all other countries. This split reveals the unequal distribution of the indicators.