- Nov 2024
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third phrase
for - spiritual seeking in modernity - initiation - third stage - mind - John Churchill - meaning crisis - spiritual initiation - third stage - mind - John Churchill - initiation - third stage - mind - examples - sacred geometry - sacred mathematics - deeper meditation practices - John Churchill
fourth initiatory phase
for - spiritual seeking in modernity - initiation - fourth stage - interdependent origination- John Churchill - meaning crisis - spiritual initiation - fourth stage - interdependent origination - John Churchill - initiation - fourth stage - interdependent origination - John Churchill
if you go to like and if you go to the yoga studios where you see people who are like obsessing with their physical body and obsessing with their diets that's kind of Po people who are like First beginning that first initiation phase that's what's at play that's what's at play or they're doing that practice but some people just stay there they spend their whole life obsessed about their physical body and and the green juice
for - spiritual seeking in modernity - initiation first stage body - John Churchill - meaning crisis - spiritual initiation - first stage - body - John Churchill - initiation - first stage - body - example - yoga and green juice - getting stuck here is possible - John Churchill - meaning crisis - spiritual initiation - first stage - body - John Churchill
second one would be moving into the emotional body
for - spiritual seeking in modernity - initiation second stage - emotional body - John Churchill - meaning crisis - spiritual initiation - second stage - emotional body - John Churchill - initiation - second stage - emotional body - examples - psychotherapy - breath work - crystals - Ayahuasca - securely tantric practice - John Churchill
many of us have been hacking through like you know the the jungle making A New Path and some of us have gone off to elders and other cultures right whether it's you know South American or um you know Aboriginal or Tibet I mean right but but but these were their paths cut a different moments in time and it's not to say that they don't have veracity but we are in this unique situation and not everybody is going to be able to go down to Peru and do an IA trip
for - spiritual seeking - modernity - John Churchill
- spiritual seeking in modernity - initiation - third stage - mind - John Churchill
- meaning crisis - spiritual initiation - first stage - body - John Churchill
- meaning crisis - spiritual initiation - fourth stage - interdependent origination - John Churchill
- spiritual seeking - modernity - John Churchill
- initiation - fourth stage - interdependent origination - John Churchill
- meaning crisis - spiritual initiation - third stage - mind - John Churchill
- meaning crisis - spiritual initiation - second stage - emotional body - John Churchill
- initiation - third stage - mind - examples - sacred geometry - sacred mathematics - deeper meditation practices - John Churchill
- spiritual seeking in modernity - initiation second stage - emotional body - John Churchill
- spiritual seeking in modernity - initiation - first stage - body - John Churchill
- initiation - second stage - emotional body - examples - psychotherapy - breath work - crystals - Ayahuasca - securely tantric practice - John Churchill
- initiation - first stage - body - yoga and green juice - getting stuck here is possible - John Churchill
- spiritual seeking in modernity - initiation - fourth stage - interdependent origination- John Churchill