3 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2021
blog.linuxmint.com blog.linuxmint.com
We took a stance on an issue.
- Mar 2020
matomo.org matomo.org
By choosing Matomo, you are joining an ever growing movement. You’re standing up for something that respects user-privacy, you’re fighting for a safer web and you believe your personal data should remain in your own hands, no one else’s.
- Dec 2016
0-search.proquest.com.nell.boulderlibrary.org 0-search.proquest.com.nell.boulderlibrary.org
Diego Rivera Arrested in Mexican Capital In Row Over Changes in His Hotel Frescoes
Diego was extremely angry when his painted (Man, Controller of the Universe) was retouched. This was the same painting that was destroyed in New York. He said that the president was changed, colors of the flags were changed or erased. and Officers dancing with Indians were changed. Diego did not believe that his art or ideas should be changed. So he took a stand, and with 20 other communist, he marched into the hotel (where the painting was) with 5 pistols, shouting. He was later arrested.