- Aug 2024
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this suffering that we feel as a result of empathy with another who is suffering doesn't come from ignorance of our true nature on the contrary it is an expression of our understanding that we share our essential nature with the other and as a result of that we feel both their joy as our own joy and their suffering as our own suffering
for - empathy - deep meaning - universal consciousness perspective - Rupert Spira
ultimately dissociation doesn't really happen it's um it's a model i think it's a an accurate a very useful model but the best way i can i can describe this is using the analogy of going to a 3d imax cinema
for - metaphor - analogy - dissociation - Bernardo Kastrup - to - 3D imax cinema - localize Rupert Spira - terminology - dissociate - Bernado Kastrup - terminology - localize and contract - Rupert Spira - universal consciousness contracts to finite human consciousness - question - meaning of dissociate - Bernardo Kastrup
metaphor - analogy - dissociation - Bernardo Kastrup - to - 3D imax cinema - Rupert Spira - At 3d Imax cinema, we wear a pair of special glasses - that make the otherwise fuzzy image to acquire a 3rd dimension - In the same way, our raw universal consciousness is like the fuzzy pattern we see on the 3d Imax screen when we DON'T have any special glasses on - When we perceive and think, it is like putting on the 3D glasses in the Imax theatre and suddenly we see objects with great clarity - Spira talks about universal consciousness "localizing" within its own activity - in the form of a finite mind of a human being
question - meaning of dissociate - Bernardo Kastrup - Does Kastrup mean that we infinite / universal consciousness dissociates from itself into the finite human consciousness? - answer - It appears so, as at time 45:50, Spira summarizes Kastrup's views on dissociation
this localization process enables consciousness to perceive itself as the universe because infinite consciousness cannot perceive its own activity directly because it would have to do so from if infinite consciousness were to perceive the universe directly it would have to do so from every single point of view in the universe it would be the deepest darkest black image you could imagine so in order to perceive an object consciousness must localize itself as an apparently separate subject so this localization of the apparent localization of our self or the dissociation of ourselves as finite minds out of infinite consciousness enables um perception
for - adjacency - key insight - quote - localization enables (infinite or universal consciousness) to perceive itself - Rupert Spira - discerning single voice at a busy party metaphor - existential isolation - umwelt
adjacency - between - key insight - quote - localization enables (infinite or universal consciousness) to perceive itself - Rupert Spira - discerning single voice at a busy party metaphor - existential isolation - adjacency relationship - quote - localization enables (infinite or universal consciousness) to perceive itself - Rupert Spira - This localization process enables (infinite) consciousness to perceive itself as the universe because - infinite consciousness cannot perceive its own activity directly - because if infinite consciousness were to perceive the universe directly - it would have to do so from every single point of view in the universe - It would be the deepest, darkest black image you could imagine - So in order to perceive an object - (infinite) consciousness must localize itself as an apparently separate subject so - the apparent localization of our self or - the dissociation of ourselves - as finite minds out of infinite consciousness enables - perception and - thought
- There is a metaphor that applies here:
- At a busy dinner party, many people are talking at the same time
- As the number of people approach infinite, the signal becomes more difficult to detect
- In the same manner, as the activities of the universe are seemingly unbounded, how could infinite consciousness possibly observe its own infinite entirety?
- Existential isolation is deemed depressing because it makes us feel intrinsically separated and disconnected from others, yet
- it may be very necessary
- Can you imagine hearing and understanding the voices of every human being, much less every living being?
- An individual human does not have the capacity to process all that information
- In the same manner, the body of every living organism is fine tuned for only one specific set of unwelts
- How would we process the unbound amounts of information if we had an infinite number of different detectors?
- There is a metaphor that applies here:
when consciousness puts on the glasses of a finite mind a human mind it puts on the glasses that consist of thinking and perceiving it is that activity which seems to localize consciousness within itself as a separate subject of experience from whose perspective it views its own activity as the outside universe
for - key insight - universal consciousness contracts to localized human consciousness - experiences its own activity as the outside universe - Rupert Spira
amazon prime castle rock which is based on the work of stephen king
for - comparison - Amazon Prime - Castle Rock - Stephen King - compared to - Michael Levin caterpillar to butterfly metamorphosis - adjacency - universal - vs localized consciousness - empathy - Michael Levin - caterpillar to butterfly
adjacency - between - Stephen King movie "castle rock" - universal consciousness - localized, individual consckousness - empathy - adjacency relationship - Bernardo compares the Stephen King movie series "Castle Rock" with ghostly beings taking over the identify of an existing physical body. - Universal consciousness is in all of us - but we strongly identify with the localized consciousness - In Michael Levin's caterpillar to butterfly process, - the living being has memories of a caterpillar but what happens when it becomes a butterfly? Those memories don't confer any meaning to the butterfly - But beneath both the butterfly and the caterpillar, the universal consciousness is at the ground layer - When we experience others as ourselves, because we have the same universal consciouness, - then we can truly enact empathy as an expression of recognition
reality lies behind the multiplicity and diversity of appearances and is concealed by them
for - quotation - Rupert Spira - reality lies behind the multiplicity and diversity of appearances and is concealed by them
quotation - Rupert Spira - reality lies behind the multiplicity and diversity of appearances and is concealed by them - A subset of this claim is that the same universal consciousness is in the multiplicity and diversity of appearances of human INTERbeCOMings
- key insight - quote - localization enables (infinite or universal consciousness) to perceive itself - Rupert Spira
- metaphor - analogy - dissociation - Bernardo Kastrup - to - 3D imax cinema - localize Rupert Spira
- adjacency - key insight - quote - localization enables (infinite or universal consciousness) to perceive itself - Rupert Spira - discerning single voice at a busy party metaphor - existential isolation - umwelt
- key insight - universal consciousness contracts to localized human consciousness - experiences its own activity as the outside universe - Rupert Spira
- comparison - Amazon Prime - Castle Rock - Stephen King - compared to - Michael Levin caterpillar to butterfly metamorphosis
- empathy - as an expression of recognizing universal consciousness in everyone.
- human INTERbeCOMings - multiplicity and diversity - same universal consciousness behind all
- empathy - deep meaning - universal consciousness perspective - Rupert Spira
- terminology - localize and contract - Rupert Spira
- terminology - dissociate - Bernado Kastrup
- question - meaning of dissociate - Bernardo Kastrup
- quotation - Rupert Spira - reality lies behind the multiplicity and diversity of appearances and is concealed by them
- universal consciousness contracts to finite human consciousness
- Nov 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
we've talked a lot about zooming in down and back on the evolutionary ladder like there's no obvious point at which intelligence emerges and there's a nice Elegance to pan psychism like it's 00:39:53 all always there and it's just on a continuum and maybe there's some bare minimum unit of Consciousness but if you scale it upwards again past humans even past social 00:40:06 networks at the at the most extreme level you would have okay treat the entire universe as a single system you get this kind of pantheist Cosmos psyche mind of God in Spinoza's terms what do 00:40:19 you think of that
- for: panpsychism, Spinoza, universal consciousness