1 Matching Annotations
- Aug 2023
so here we go to number six why transform
- for: doughnut economics, climate change - societal impacts, whole system change - motivation
- question: why transform?
- answer
- The word transformation is carefully chosen by John and here he explains why.
- We face an extreme and growing polycrisis that threatens to overpower our capacity to cope with it unless we act now for whole system transformation.
- Voices across all of society are becoming more vocal of the need to transform the existing system.
- This transformation program does not need everyone to participate, just a sufficient but small percentage of the population who are aligned to these ideas.
- Not everyone believes such transformation is necessary but the R+D project only needs to onboard a small percentage of the population who does believe to change the entire system for the benefit of even the non-believers.
- answer
- comment
- John is implying social tipping points as well as social engineering