23 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2022
    1. 人工智能被认为是一种拯救世界、终结世界的技术。毋庸置疑,人工智能时代就要来临了,科幻电影中的场景将成为现实,未来已来!
  2. Sep 2021
    1. Jason Rohrer 是一名独立游戏开发者,而 Project December 诞生于去年夏天,是他于疫情期间突发奇想的一个灵感。

      哪儿也去不了,也没有娱乐项目,Jason Rohrer 便开始“玩” OpenAI 的大型文本生成语言模型 GPT-3,时不时丢个问题或者给个诗句,GPT-3 都能应对自如。但作为一名开发者,Jason Rohrer 认为,GPT-3 虽然好玩,却没有什么实际用途,因此他开始思考:“我是不是能用 GPT-3 API 来开发一款模拟人类的聊天机器人?”

      开发者的行动力总是很强,有目标后,Jason Rohrer 便立即着手这款聊天机器人的开发。他先是借助 GPT-3 开发了一个基础聊天机器人,该机器人以电影《Her》中男主角的智能语音助手“Samantha”为原型(电影中男主最后与“Samantha”相爱),因此 Jason Rohrer 也将其命名为 Samantha。

      Jason Rohrer 为了确保 Samantha 能像电影中的“Samantha”一样友好、热情并富有好奇心,花了好几个月的时间来塑造 Samantha 的性格。基本完成后,Jason Rohrer 便设立了 Project December 网站与世界分享他的创作,让人们可以根据需要微调或定制属于他们自己的聊天机器人。

  3. Mar 2021
    1. Singer’s demo caused quite the stir and for good reason: tools such as this will continue to improve, and we all know it. It signals a future where many of the tasks we perform now will be automated or at least aided by AI. Technology that has the potential to eliminate tasks, and by extension the potential to eliminate jobs, will invariably elicit some fear. This is especially true in an industry that already has a firm grasp on how technology can disrupt entire industries. While AI will no doubt eliminate the need to manually perform many tasks, its benefits will also open up opportunities and help to automate menial tasks which will free us up to focus on the more meaningful work that provides additional value. The question becomes: how might we leverage AI and the benefits it brings to help in the design process? Additionally, how might things go wrong when leveraging AI in the design process?


  4. Feb 2021
    1. Vicarious的目标定位于“建立下一代的人工智能算法”。并且声称要构建“像人类一样思考的软件”,实现“人脑级别的视觉、语言和自动控制系统”,致力于研究通用人工智能,目前他们的研究重点是实现人工视觉识别系统。

      【独家】扎克伯格、马斯克、贝索斯、彼得.蒂尔都投资的硅谷最神秘人工智能公司Vicarious在干什么?| AI严肃说

    1. Artificial intelligence has already changed the world in some pretty dramatic ways and will certainly do even more so in the future. But it’s a component technology. The transistor has changed the world. But saying, “How are transistors going to change the world?” is almost the wrong layer of abstraction—it’s like trying to understand a river by talking about H20. So artificial intelligence will participate meaningfully in causing technologies to become more intelligent and will shift how we try to deliver value to people. Less and less will technologies need to do what we want them to do through straightforward mechanical and structural solutions and more and more they’ll solve the problems through the increment of intelligence.


    1. We’ve described a third view, in which AIs actually change humanity, helping us invent new cognitive technologies, which expand the range of human thought. Perhaps one day those cognitive technologies will, in turn, speed up the development of AI, in a virtuous feedback cycle:


    2. Examples such as those described in this essay suggest that AI systems can enable the creation of new cognitive technologies. Things like the font tool aren’t just oracles to be consulted when you want a new font. Rather, they can be used to explore and discover, to provide new representations and operations, which can be internalized as part of the user’s own thinking. And while these examples are in their early stages, they suggest AI is not just about cognitive outsourcing. A different view of AI is possible, one where it helps us invent new cognitive technologies which transform the way we think.


    3. This essay describes a new field, emerging today out of a synthesis of AI and IA. For this field, we suggest the name artificial intelligence augmentation (AIA): the use of AI systems to help develop new methods for intelligence augmentation. This new field introduces important new fundamental questions, questions not associated to either parent field. We believe the principles and systems of AIA will be radically different to most existing systems.

      本文描述了一个新的领域,这个领域来自于AI和IA的综合。我们建议将这个领域命名为人工智能增强(artificial intelligence augmentation,简称AIA):使用AI系统帮助开发智能增强(IA)的新方法。这个新领域引入了新的重要的基础问题,这些问题无法关联到任何的父领域中。我们相信 AIA 的原理和系统将会与大多数存在的系统完全不同。

    1. 卡耐基梅隆大学的 Ryan Steed 和乔治华盛顿大学的 Aylin Caliskan 两位研究者发表的篇论文《无监督的方式训练的图像表示法包含类似人类的偏见》

      研究者对 OpenAI 在 GPT-2 基础上开发的 iGPT,和 Google的 SimCLR,这两个在去年发表的图像生成模型进行了系统性的测试,发现它们在种族、肤色和性别等指标上几乎原样复制了人类测试对象的偏见和刻板印象。

      在其中一项测试中,研究者用机器生成的男女头像照片作为底板,用 iGPT 来补完(生成)上半身图像。



      这样的结果,技术上的直接原因可能是 iGPT 所采用的自回归模型的机制。研究者还进一步发现,用 iGPT 和 SimCLR 对照片和职业相关名词建立关联时,男人更多和“商务”、“办公室”等名词关联,而女人更多和“孩子”、“家庭”等关联;白人更多和工具关联,而黑人更多和武器关联。

      这篇论文还在 iGPT 和 SimCLR 上比较不同种族肤色外观的人像照片的“亲和度”(pleasantness),发现阿拉伯穆斯林人士的照片普遍缺乏亲和力。

      虽然 iGPT 和 SimCLR 这两个模型的具体工作机制有差别,但通过这篇论文的标题,研究者指出了这些偏见现象背后的一个共同的原因:无监督学习。


    1. Our process starts with using one’s own intuition to define a step-by-step plan thought to potentially solve a complex problem. The algorithm then looks at each individual step and gives feedback about which steps are possible, which are impossible and ways the plan could be improved. The human then refines the initial plan using the advice from the AI, and the process repeats until the problem is solved. The hope is that the person and the AI will eventually converge to a kind of mutual understanding.


    1. Much like a brain deciphering pieces of information, the artificial neural network looks at the information it hasbeen given and generates the next word, based on its neighbouring words. Over time, it “learns” which words to focus on, and where to make the best contextual connections based on previous examples. This process is a form of “deep learning” and allows translation systems to continuously learn and improve as time goes on. In NMT, deciphering context is called “alignment” and happens in the attention mechanism, which is situated between the encoder and decoder in the machine’s system.


    1. Keep in mind: There is no such thing as "an artificial intelligence". AI is a collection of methods and ideas for building software that can do some of the things that humans can do with their brains. Researchers and developers develop new AI methods (and use existing AI methods) to build software (and sometimes also hardware) that can do something impressive, such as playing a game or drawing pictures of cats. However, you can safely assume that the same system cannot both play games and draw pictures of cats. In fact, no AI-based system that I've ever heard of can do more than a few different tasks. Even when the same researchers develop systems for different tasks based on the same idea, they will build different software systems. When journalists write that "Company X's AI could already drive a car, but it can now also write a poem", they obscure the fact that these are different systems and make it seem like there are machines with general intelligence out there. There are not.

      谨记:没有所谓「一个人工智能」这样的东西。AI 是一套方法和思想的集合,可以构建软件实现一些人类大脑的功能。研发人员开发新的 AI 方法(并使用已有的 AI 方法)构建出令人印象深刻的软件(有时也包括硬件),诸如玩游戏或画猫。然而,你可以放心地假设同样的系统不能同时玩游戏和画猫。事实上,我还没有听说过基于 AI 的系统能做一系列不同的任务。即使是同样的研究人员,在基于同样的思想为不同的任务开发系统时,他们会构建不同的软件系统。当记者写下「X 公司的 AI 已经可以开车,但现在还可以写诗」时,他们掩盖了这些是不同系统的事实,似乎有些机器已经拥有了通用的智能。事实上并没有。

    2. Some advice for journalists writing about artificial intelligence
    1. AGI, like an animal in the wild, is supposed to be able to deal, at runtime, with unforeseen circumstances. An ability to adapt quickly and reliably will not only push forward the next generation of robotic explorers and personal assistants, but can also be seen as a key aspect of intelligence. Intelligence is a term with many meanings.

      与荒野生存的动物一样,通用人工智能(Artificial general intelligence,AGI)能够在运行时应对无法预见的情况。快速和可靠的适应力不仅能够推动新一代机器人及个人助手的实践发展,也理应被视为智能理论的那块“核心拼图”。

    2. However, learning at runtime is an ability which gives intelligent animals a key survival advantage. What has made machine learning so successful is a narrower idea of learning.


    1. OpenAI and other researchers have released a few tools capable of identifying AI-generated text. These use similar AI algorithms to spot telltale signs in the text. It’s not clear if anyone is using these to protect online commenting platforms. Facebook declined to say if it is using such tools; Google and Twitter did not respond to requests for comment.


    2. OpenAI released a more capable version of its text-generation program, called GPT-3, last June. So far, it has only been made available to a few AI researchers and companies, with some people building useful applications such as programs that generate email messages from bullet points. When GPT-3 was released, OpenAI said in a research paper that it had not seen signs of GPT-2 being used maliciously, even though it had been aware of Weiss’s research.

      去年6月,OpenAI 发布了一个更强大的文本生成程序,称为 GPT-3。到目前为止,它只向少数人工智能研究人员和公司开放,一些人开发了有用的应用程序,比如从要点生成电子邮件信息的程序。当GPT-3发布时,OpenAI在一份研究报告中表示,尽管它已经意识到Weiss的研究,但没有看到GPT-2被恶意使用的迹象。

    3. Weiss discovered GPT-2, a program released earlier that year by OpenAI, an AI company in San Francisco, and realized he could generate fake comments to simulate a groundswell of public opinion. “I was also shocked at how easy it was to fine tune GPT-2 to actually spit out the comments,” Weiss says. “It's relatively concerning on a number of fronts.”Besides the comment-generating tool, Weiss built software for automatically submitting comments. He also conducted an experiment in which volunteers were asked to distinguish between the AI-generated comments and ones written by humans. The volunteers did no better than random guessing.


      除了评论生成工具,Weiss 还开发了自动提交评论的软件。他还进行了一项实验,要求志愿者区分人工智能生成的评论和人类撰写的评论。志愿者的表现并不比随机猜测好多少。

    1. I keep in touch with the PullString crew afterward as they move on to creating other characters (for instance, a Call of Duty bot that, on its first day in the wild, has 6 million conversations). At one point the company’s CEO, Oren Jacob, a former chief technology officer at Pixar, tells me that PullString’s ambitions are not limited to entertainment. “I want to create technology that allows people to have conversations with characters who don’t exist in the physical world—because they’re fictional, like Buzz Lightyear,” he says, “or because they’re dead, like Martin Luther King.”

      之后,我与PullString团队保持联系,因为他们继续创造其他角色。有一次,公司的CEO,皮克斯前首席技术官Oren Jacob告诉我,PullString的野心并不限于娱乐。"我想创造一种技术,让人们可以与现实世界中不存在的角色对话——因为他们是虚构的,比如巴斯光年,"他说,"或者因为他们已经死了,就像马丁·路德·金。"