5 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2022
    1. 微软、Epic Games、Meta 和其他 33 家公司和组织成立了一个“元宇宙”技术标准小组。元宇宙标准论坛(The Metaverse Standards Forum)将推动增强现实和虚拟现实、地理空间和 3D 技术的开放、可互操作的标准。新闻稿表示,元宇宙标准论坛将专注于“务实的、基于行动的项目”,如黑客马拉松和支持通用标准的原型工具。它也有兴趣为该领域开发“一致的术语”——很多参与者甚至无法就“元宇宙”是什么达成一致。除了上述公司之外,创始成员还包括 W3C、Nvidia、高通、索尼互动娱乐和 Unity 等元宇宙之前的重量级玩家和 Lamina1 等新兴玩家,Lamina1是由《雪崩(Snow Crash)》作者 Neal Stephenson 参与创建的一家区块链支付初创公司。

  2. May 2022
  3. Oct 2021
    1. The number of possibilities around the metaverse are endless, but you can easily imagine how it might change the way we interact in the same way that mobile devices have changed society today. In a world where the metaverse exists, rather than hosting a weekly meeting on Zoom with all of your coworkers, you could imagine meeting in a physical representation of your office, where each person looks like a digital version of themselves, seated at a digital coffee table drinking digital artisanal coffee and snacking on digital donuts. If that sounds a bit boring, you could meet somewhere else, perhaps in the past, like in 1776 New York City, or in the future, on a spaceship, or at the zoo, on another planet—if it made sense for the meeting, of course. You could choose not to be yourself, but rather some form of digital avatar you picked up at the local online NFT swap meet, or at a virtual Balenciaga store. You could dress like a bunny rabbit to go to the meeting. A dragon. A dead dragon. And that’s just one measly little meeting. Imagine what the rest of the metaverse might look like.You could play first-person shooter video games in the metaverse, that look like they’re in real life. You could take a British history class taught by a digital representation of King George III, or learn about the theory of relativity from Albert Einstein himself. You could attend a TED Talk, or give one, or go to church. You could hook up your exercise bike to race against Maurice Garin in the Tour de France. Or your running machine to race against Usain Bolt at the Olympics (and lose). You could go to the zoo. You could be an animal at the zoo. Visit the Louvre. Le Mans. The International Space Station. You could go for a walk on Mars. Neptune. Float in space. Play “red light, green light” with your friends in Squid Game. You could go shopping, trying on outfits that once you pay for, are actually mailed to your house. You could go to a theme park and ride the world’s biggest roller coaster and maybe even throw up in real life. There are also lots of potential dark sides of the metaverse. Don’t be surprised to see Nazi rallies and people who choose racist and dangerous avatars, or hackers stealing from people, or performing metaversal terrorism, whatever that becomes. All of this stuff could be for sale in crypto, where we buy and sell digital goods with Bitcoin or Ethereum.


      你可以在元宇宙中玩第一人称射击游戏,看起来就像在现实生活中一样。你可以上一门英国历史课,由数字代表的英王乔治三世(King George III)教授,或者从阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)那里学习相对论。你可以参加TED演讲,或者发表演讲,或者去教堂。你可以连接你的运动自行车,在环法自行车赛中与莫里斯·加林比赛。或者在你的跑步机与博尔特在奥运会上进行比赛。你可以去动物园。你可以成为动物园里的一只动物。参观卢浮宫、国际空间站。你可以去火星散步。在太空中漂浮。在“鱿鱼游戏”中与你的朋友玩 "红绿灯"。你可以去购物,试穿衣服,一旦你付钱,实际上就会被邮寄到你的家里。你可以去主题公园,坐世界上最大的过山车,甚至在现实生活中感受呕吐。元宇宙也有很多潜在的黑暗面。如果看到纳粹集会或种族主义者、危险化身的人,不管遇到什么,都不要感到惊讶。所有这些东西都可以用加密货币出售,我们可以用比特币或以太坊购买和销售数字商品。

  4. Sep 2021
    1. Facebook 宣布建立一支 5000万 美元的基金,用于帮助以更负责任的方式开发元宇宙。其正式名称为 XR Programs and Research Fund,Faecbook 表示相应款项将用于在未来两年内投资“各类项目与外部研究”。Facebook 之前曾资助过关于 AR 可穿戴设备的社会影响的学术研究,征求 VR 硬件提案。Facebook 在公告博文中将元宇宙描述为“下一代计算平台”,并表示该公司将在亲自构建元宇宙的同时,与政策制定者、研究人员及行业伙伴开展广泛合作。在公告中,我们还看到了 Facebook 对于“元宇宙”概念的定义。在 Facebook 看来,元宇宙就是“您可以与其他人共同创造并探索的虚拟空间”。这个空间分布在多种产品及服务之上。