6 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2022
  2. Feb 2021
    1. Poets and philosophers have warned almost forever against this kind of comfort. Socrates famously claimed that his wisdom came from knowing he knew nothing. John Keats defined “negative capability” — a quality he attributed to men “of Achievement” — as the ability to stay “in uncertainties, Mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact & reason.” Donald Barthelme, in his 1985 essay “Not-Knowing,” argues that it is “what permits art to be made.” Georges Bataille thought “non-knowledge” was inherent to the human condition. The “unknowable immensity” of the universe “infinitely eludes an individual who seeks it,” he writes in Inner Experience (1943). Knowledge is “the means [by] which man attempts to take himself for the whole of the universe.” Designed to reduce the world to the answers it can provide, Google belies (or tries to belie) the universe’s infinite elusiveness.

      诗人和哲学家几乎一直警告人们不要这样安逸。苏格拉底有句名言: 他的智慧来自于知道自己一无所知。约翰·济慈把 "消极能力"——一种他认为“有成就的人”所具有的品质——定义为 "处于不确定、神秘、疑惑之中,而不急于追求事实和理性"的能力。唐纳德·巴特尔姆在1985年的文章《无知》中认为,这是 "允许艺术被创造的原因"。乔治·巴泰尔(Georges Bataille)认为 "不知道"是人类与生俱来的。他在《内心体验》(1943)中写道,宇宙的“不可知的无限”,“无限地逃避着寻找它的个人”。知识是 "人类试图将自己视为整个宇宙的手段"。谷歌的目的是将世界简化为它能提供的答案,它掩盖了(或试图掩盖)宇宙的无限不可捉摸性。

  3. May 2020
    1. 搜索引擎

      1. 相信伸手党/前人
      2. 别觉得10条以后都是不靠谱的结果了。
  4. Apr 2020
    1. 我才知道,图片搜索的字是每次搜索时联想出来的。
