5 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2023
  2. Nov 2022
    1. Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks


  3. Apr 2022
    1. 之所以买A5而不买A5pro和a7,原因在于续航,A5用的是高通439的核心,省电优化比较成熟,A5pro虽然也有439的核心版,但运存小了,而A5pro和a7用的主要是紫光展锐的国产核心,在各种评价中实际耗电高,有说是这个芯本身耗电高,也有说是海信没有用心做好优化,反正就是续航不好
  4. Feb 2021
    1. 收集了超过50000+本电子书,完全免费,提供多种格式供用户下载。 ​​​​

    1. Previous attempts to make devices such as Kay’s Dynabook real – eg, Sony’s LIBRIé, released in 2004 – had been hampered by small libraries. Amazon’s library had no bounds, it had one-click purchasing. And, more generally, technology had improved: batteries were smaller, processors faster, e-ink displays higher-resolution. In the year of our lord, 2007, under the auspices of one company, all of the pieces came together making real those techno-prophecies of yore. Those of us of a certain codex geekery – myself included – were enthralled by its eccentricities and potential.
