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  1. Last 7 days
    1. The first useful concept is the idea of short assignments. Oftenwhen you sit down to write, what you have in mind is anautobiographical novel about your childhood

      9/30 Interesting : This often happens to me whether im writting an essay or paragraph with a childhood topic.

    2. So you get up and do your morning things, and one thingleads to another, and eventually, at nine, you find yourself backat the desk, staring blankly at the pages you filled yesterday.

      9/30 Interesting : This line relates to things we do in our daily, when you feel like you doing lot of things but actually not.

    3. Because for some of us, books are as important as almostanything else on earth.

      9/30 Surprising : This mean books means the world to most writers, i didn't even know about that !

    4. Writing can give you what having a baby can giveyou: it can get you to start paying attention, can help yousoften, can wake you up

      Yes, but there’s a little bit of different with writing and a baby. For example, you can rewrite the essay but you can’t rebirth a baby.

    5. It is a matter ofpersistence ~nd faith and hard work. So you might as welljust go ahead and get starteq

      Yes, and I think the most difficult part is to start doing a thing.

    6. Don't worry if what you write is no good,because no one is going to see it.

      9/30 Interesting: Since I first starting writing, my teacher always wants me to present the best content I can.

    7. n, I couldn't think of a single restaurantwhere I'd ever actually eate

      9/30 Surprising: I thought it’s command to remember the restaurant I’ve been to, until I read this sentence and find out that I can’t even remembered which restaurant I’ve been to yesterday.

    8. "I don't even know where to start,

      9/30 Troubling: It’s hard for me to start writing an essay, and I think the beginning is the most difficult thing for me.

    1. An extraordinary burglary — attended by very singular circumstances, and perpetrated by a curious felon — occurred in this town on Monday night.

      I think thta's interesting that the writer describe felon "curious".