1 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2016
    1. Exhibit A:

      "AB 2880 requires the state’s Department of General Services to track the copyright status of works created by the state government’s 228,000 employees, and requires every state agency to include intellectual property clauses in every single one of their contracts unless they ask the Department in advance for permission not to do so". source: https://medium.com/medium-legal/ab-2880-kill-this-bill-8f7d9cbd9ac5#.8z6f0ypv4 (Medium Legal)

      How did Medium legal extract Exhibit A from this bill? Perhaps by way of exhibit B?

      Exhibit B:

      http://jonudell.net/h/201520160AB2880_Assembly%20Floor%20Analysis.pdf source: rehosted from http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billAnalysisClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB2880 ("Prepared by "Eric Dang / JUD. / (916) 319-NNNN") (Bill Information -> Bill Analysis )

      Note to both Medium Legal and Eric Dang: If your respective discussions of AB 2880 were anchored to the text of the bill, it would be possible to make sense of them.