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  1. Oct 2020
    1. Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. Cancer is triggered by mutations in a cell’s genetic material. The cause of these changes may be inherited, or it may result from exposure to carcinogens, which are agents that can cause cancer. Carcinogens include chemicals, viruses, certain medical treatments such as radiation, pollution, or other substances and exposures that are known or suspected to cause cancer.

      What is Cancer

    1. Phytochemicals are chemicals in plants that may provide some health benefit. Carotenoids are one type of phytochemical that we will discuss in more detail below. Other phytochemicals include indoles, lignans, phytoestrogens, stanols, flavonoids, anthocyanidins, phenolic acids, and many more. They are found not only in fruits and vegetables, but also in grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes.


    2. The primary function of Vitamin E is as an antioxidant. Alpha-tocopherol and vitamin E’s other constituents are primarily responsible for protecting cell membranes against lipid destruction caused by free radicals.

      Vitamin E

    1. Excessive exposure to environmental sources of free radicals can contribute to disease by overwhelming the free radical detoxifying systems and those processes involved in repairing oxidative damage.

      Air Pollution

    2. While our bodies have acquired multiple defenses against free radicals, we also use free radicals to support its functions. For example, the immune system uses the cell-damaging properties of free radicals to kill pathogens.

      Free Radicals can also help the body, by killing bacterium like pathogens.

    3. hydrophobic antioxidants are largely responsible for protecting cell membranes from free radical damage. The body can synthesize some antioxidants, but others must be obtained from the diet.

      Hydrophobic Antioxidants

    4. Hydrophilic antioxidants act in the cytosol of cells or in extracellular fluids such as blood;

      Hydrophilic Antioxidants

    5. The body’s two major defense systems are free radical detoxifying enzymes and antioxidants.

      The two body's defense systems

    6. Atoms and molecules such as superoxide that have unpaired electrons are called free radicals (Figure\PageIndex{2}2). The unpaired electron in free radicals makes the atom or molecule unstable.

      Free Radicals are unpaired

    7. there is no scientific evidence that antioxidants singularly provide bodily benefits, but there is evidence that certain benefits are achieved by ingesting antioxidants as part of a balanced, healthy, nutrient-rich diet. This is to say antioxidants may go a long way toward preventing damage, but other nutrients are necessary to repair damage and sustain health. No one nutrient acts alone!

      There is no evidence that antioxidants benefit