- Mar 2024
www.shopbrodart.com www.shopbrodart.com
2024-03-07 Brodart's website is up and running again, finally.
- Jan 2024
All wood and metal 12 drawer Brodart card index offered for auction on 2024-01-28 for $500.00 or best offer. Good condition despite missing a rod and having mixed silver and brass fittings on the unit. (3 silver drawer pulls/plackards and 5 silver rods with the remainder in brass.)
Local pick up only from Lock Haven, PA.
Cost per drawer: 41.66
www.ebay.com www.ebay.com
Brodart 9 drawer card catalog. Generally good shape, some issue with finish, no rods. Offered for $250 in January 2024. Pick up or shipping from Garden Grove, CA
Cost per drawer: $27.77
- Sep 2023
www.ebay.com www.ebay.com
Brodart 72 drawer library card catalog offered for sale for $1995.00 in at least mid 2023 if not earlier. Local pick up from Twin Lake, MI. A bit beat up. Appears to be maybe late 60s/early 70s. Has plastic drawers.
Two sections of 6x6 separated by three pull out writing desks.
Cost per drawer. $27.70
Brodart Library Card catalog with 60 drawers listed circa Summer 2023 for $1,800 (+62.60 shipping from Pensacola Florida). Appears to be in good condition. Built in solid base and includes three drawer pulls. Doesn't appear to have any rods and looks like it's got plastic drawers rather than wood.
cost per drawer: $30 per drawer
- Nov 2022
www.shopbrodart.com www.shopbrodart.com
N.B. presuming the 4 1/8" H dimension is even the outer dimension, this means that one can't easily keep tab cut dividers which often go from 4 3/8" to 4 1/2" tall in these boxes with the lids on properly.
Instead, one may prefer their slightly larger microfiche boxes which go up to 4 3/4" which should also presumably fit their microfiche divider guides for sectioning one's work.
Another subtle difference in these two boxes is that the smaller is 60-pt paper versus 40-pt for the larger microfiche box, which means that while sturdy, isn't quite as sturdy.
www.shopbrodart.com www.shopbrodart.com
These should easily fit 4 x 6" index cards as well as card dividers with taller tabs which commercially don't often get taller than 4 1/2".
See also microfiche divider guides.
- cardboard boxes
- microfiche
- Brodart
- 4 x 6" index cards
- boxes
- microfiche boxes
- zettelkasten boxes
- archival materials