4 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2022
    1. Dây chuyền sản xuất cốc giấy hay còn gọi là máy sản xuất ly giấy hoặc máy làm ly giấy tự động khép kín có quy trình sản xuất chạy toàn bộ quy trình nạp giấy, dán miệng cốc, tra dầu, đục lỗ dưới đáy, làm nóng, cán, tráng, làm tròn và gấp mép.
  2. Feb 2020
    1. The harm is that telling people to “assume good intent” is a sign that if they come to you with a concern, you will minimize their feelings, police their reactions, and question their perceptions. It tells marginalized people that you don’t see codes of conduct as tools to address systemic discrimination, but as tools to manage personal conflicts without taking power differences into account. Telling people to “assume good intent” sends a message about whose feelings you plan to center when an issue arises in your community.

      Remember this when it's time to revisit the conference code of conduct policies.

  3. Oct 2015
    1. To this end,theUniversity has asolemnresponsibilitynotonlyto promotealively andfearlessfreedomof debate anddeliberation,butalsoto protectthatfreedomwhenothersattempttorestrictit.

      More language that I would like to adopt.

    2. n a word,the University’s fundamental commitmentistotheprinciplethatdebateordeliberationmay not besuppressedbecause the ideasputfortharethoughtby some or even by most members of the University communityto beoffensive,unwise,immoral,orwrong-headed.ItisfortheindividualmembersoftheUniversity community, notforthe University as an institution,tomake those judgmentsforthemselves,and to act on those judgments not by seeking to suppress speech,but byopenly and vigorously contestingtheideas that theyoppose. Indeed, fostering the ability of members of the University community to engage in such debate and deliberation in an effective and responsiblemanner is an essential part of the University’s educational mission.

      I think this should be part of any Code of Conduct for conferences.