35 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2018
    1. Evidence for primary claim

      What evidence is given for the primary claim?


      <div>[ "1.23.01:Correlation", "1.23.02:Cause precedes effect", "1.23.03:The correlation appears across multiple independent contexts", "1.23.04:A plausible mechanism is proposed", "1.23.05:An experimental study was conducted (natural experiments OK)", "1.23.06:Experts are cited", "1.23.07:Other kind of evidence", "1.23.08:No evidence given" ]</div>

    2. Evidence for primary claim

      What evidence is given for the primary claim?


      <div>[ "1.23.01:Correlation", "1.23.02:Cause precedes effect", "1.23.03:The correlation appears across multiple independent contexts", "1.23.04:A plausible mechanism is proposed", "1.23.05:An experimental study was conducted (natural experiments OK)", "1.23.06:Experts are cited", "1.23.07:Other kind of evidence", "1.23.08:No evidence given" ]</div>

    3. Causal claims

      Is a general or singular causal claim made?


      <div>[ "1.22.01:General causal claim", "1.22.02:Singular causal claim", "1.22.03:No causal claim" ]</div>

    4. Exaggerated claims

      Does the author exaggerate claims?


      <div>[ "1.21.01:Yes", "1.21.02:Sort of", "1.21.03:No" ]</div>

    5. Emotionally charged tone

      Does the author use outrage, snark, celebration, horror, etc?


      <div>[ "1.20.01:Yes", "1.20.02:Sort of", "1.20.03:No" ]</div>

    6. Naturalistic fallacy

      Does the author suggest something is good because it is natural, or bad because it is not natural?


      <div>[ "1.19.01:Yes", "1.19.02:Sort of", "1.19.03:No" ]</div>

    7. Scare tactics

      Does the author exaggerate the dangers of a situation (the appeal to fear fallacy)?


      <div>[ "1.18.01:Yes", "1.18.02:Sort of", "1.18.03:No" ]</div>

    8. Slippery slope

      Does the author say that one small change will lead to a major change?


      <div>[ "1.17.01:Yes", "1.17.02:Sort of", "1.17.03:No" ]</div>

    9. False dilemma

      Does the author present a complicated choice as if it were binary?


      <div>[ "1.16.01:Yes", "1.16.02:Sort of", "1.16.03:No" ]</div>

    10. Straw man argument

      Highlight straw man example #2

    11. ion-and-answer session. “There are no charges against him. There is no collusion.”Grim-faced as she fielded a variety of questio

      Straw man argument

      Highlight straw man example #1

    12. Straw man argument

      Does the author present a counterargument as a weaker, more foolish version of the real counterargument?


      <div>[ "1.15.01:Yes", "1.15.02:Sort of", "1.15.03:No" ]</div>

    13. Confidence in claims made by sources

      To what extent does the author's confidence in claims made by sources seem justified?


      <div>[ "1.13.01:Completely justified", "1.13.02:Mostly justified", "1.13.03:Somewhat justified", "1.13.04:Slightly justified", "1.13.05:Not at all justified" ]</div>

    14. ion-and-answer session. “There are no charges against him. There is no collusion.”Grim-faced as she fielded a variety of questio

      Other types of sources

      Other source #1

    15. ion-and-answer session. “There are no charges against him. There is no collusion.”Grim-faced as she fielded a variety of questio

      Other types of sources

      Other source #1

    16. Other types of sources

      Are any experts, organizations, or studies separate from the central study quoted in the article?


      <div>[ "1.12.01:Yes", "1.12.02:No" ]</div>

    17. Expert sources

      Highlight expert source #3

    18. Expert sources

      Highlight expert source #2

    19. ion-and-answer session. “There are no charges against him. There is no collusion.”Grim-faced as she fielded a variety of questio

      Expert sources

      Highlight expert source #1

    20. ion-and-answer session. “There are no charges against him. There is no collusion.”Grim-faced as she fielded a variety of questio

      Expert sources

      Highlight expert source #1

    21. Types of sources

      Which of the following are cited?


      <div>[ "1.08.02:Experts", "1.08.03:Studies", "1.08.04:Organizations" ]</div>

    22. Types of sources

      Does the article cite sources?


      <div>[ "1.08a.01:Yes", "1.08a.02:No" ]</div>

    23. Single study?

      Is the article primarily about a single scientific study?


      <div>[ "1.07.01:Yes", "1.07.02:No" ]</div>

    24. Trump Praises Manafort, Saying ‘Unlike Michael Cohen’ He ‘Refused to Break’


      Please describe other ways in which the title is clickbaity

      Answer: [[alksjd]]

    25. Trump Praises Manafort, Saying ‘Unlike Michael Cohen’ He ‘Refused to Break’


      What clickbait techniques does this headline employ?


      <div>[ "1.05.01:Listicle (\"6 Tips on ...\")", "1.05.02:Cliffhanger to a story (\"You Won't Believe What Happens Next\")", "1.05.03:Provoking emotions, such as shock or surprise (\"...Shocking Result\", \"...Leave You in Tears\")", "1.05.04:Hidden secret or trick (\"Fitness Companies Hate Him...\", \"Experts are Dying to Know Their Secret\")", "1.05.05:Challenges to the ego (\"Only People with IQ Above 160 Can Solve This\")", "1.05.06:Defying convention (\"Think Orange Juice is Good for you? Think Again!\", \"Here are 5 Foods You Never Thought Would Kill You\")", "1.05.07:Inducing fear (\"Is Your Boyfriend Cheating on You?\")", "1.05.08:Other" ]</div>

    26. Trump Praises Manafort, Saying ‘Unlike Michael Cohen’ He ‘Refused to Break’


      Is the headline clickbaity


      <div>[ "1.04.01:Very much clickbaity", "1.04.02:Somewhat clickbaity", "1.04.03:A little bit clickbaity", "1.04.04:Not at all clickbaity" ]</div>

    27. Trump Praises Manafort, Saying ‘Unlike Michael Cohen’ He ‘Refused to Break’

      Title Representativeness

      Does the title of the article accurately reflect the content of the article?


      <div>[ "1.02.01:Completely Unrepresentative", "1.02.02:Somewhat Unrepresentative", "1.02.03:Somewhat Representative", "1.02.04:Completely Representative" ]</div>

    28. Overall Credibility

      Rate your impression of the credibility of this article


      <div>[ "1.01.01:Very low credibility", "1.01.02:Somewhat low credibility", "1.01.03:Medium credibility", "1.01.04:Somewhat high credibility", "1.01.05:High credibility" ]</div>

    1. Lorem ipsum

      Title Representativeness

      Does the title of the article accurately reflect the content of the article?


      <div>[ "1.02.01:Completely Unrepresentative", "1.02.02:Somewhat Unrepresentative", "1.02.03:Somewhat Representative", "1.02.04:Completely Representative" ]</div>

    2. Overall Credibility

      Rate your impression of the credibility of this article


      <div>[ "1.01.01:Very low credibility", "1.01.02:Somewhat low credibility", "1.01.03:Medium credibility", "1.01.04:Somewhat high credibility", "1.01.05:High credibility" ]</div>

    1. Overall Credibility

      Rate your impression of the credibility of this article


      <div>[ "1.01.01:Very low credibility", "1.01.02:Somewhat low credibility", "1.01.03:Medium credibility", "1.01.04:Somewhat high credibility", "1.01.05:High credibility" ]</div>

    2. How School Walkouts Test Student Rights And School Responsibilities

      Title Representativeness

      How is the title unrepresentative? (select all that apply)


      <div>[ "1.03.01:Title is on a different topic than the body", "1.03.02:Title emphasizes different information than the body", "1.03.03:Title carries little information about the body", "1.03.04:Title takes a different stance than the body", "1.03.05:Title overstates claims or conclusions in the body", "1.03.06:Title understates claims or conclusions in the body", "1.03.07:Other" ]</div>


      <div>1.03.01, 1.03.05, 1.03.07</div>

    3. How School Walkouts Test Student Rights And School Responsibilities

      Title Representativeness

      Does the title of the article accurately reflect the content of the article?


      <div>[ "1.02.01:Completely Unrepresentative", "1.02.02:Somewhat Unrepresentative", "1.02.03:Somewhat Representative", "1.02.04:Completely Representative" ]</div>



    4. Overall Credibility

      Rate your impression of the credibility of this article


      <div>[ "1.01.01:Very low credibility", "1.01.02:Somewhat low credibility", "1.01.03:Medium credibility", "1.01.04:Somewhat high credibility", "1.01.05:High credibility" ]</div>



  2. Jul 2018