2,275 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2016
    1. Improvisations do not occur in isolation

      That's not true, but improvisations in isolation take on a very different quality which may render them useless for working with others. I am speaking here from both a musical and design orientation.

    2. these veteran educators had extensive experience and knowledge of instructional practice. This familiarity afforded innovative technology designs and social arrangements

      These statements may suggest an answer to my extension question above about rookie teachers.

    3. While Pratt designed Kingdom Quest so that players earned points “to unlock additional powers and perils”, more importantly, “It was enjoyment of the game and dedication to teammates that motivated students – not the points”

      This may be a false dichotomy. While I agree that the points weren't really the students' focus, it was the points that unlocked new learning and options within the game. As Deci and Ryan suggest, these types of rewards increase player's sense of agency and increase intrinsic motivation. This intrinsic motivation was for playing the game. So, while I agree that the students were interested in playing the game, the mechanic of earning points that unlocked rewards that increase intrinsic motivation may have played an important role (even if the students were unaware of it).

    4. we advocate design-based research utilising gameful learning as a construct to map the cohabited spaces of teachers’ improvisational teaching-as-play within other disciplines, gaming environments, and settings.

    5. gameful learning is a useful construct for future research attempting to illuminate the qualities of teachers’ game facilitation motives as phenomena distinct from game characteristics (i.e., mechanics like points)

      I like this shift of focus.

    6. Elements of gameful learning

      A thought on this diagram. In Venn Diagrams with more than two bubbles, I always find it helpful to find definitions or examples in the areas where two bubbles overlap, but not with the third. For example, what would be in the overlap between Attitude and Ignorance, but not with Identity? It is very helpful for demonstrating the difference between the center (in this case Gameful Learning) and other things that are close but not quite right.

    7. gameful learning as one interpretation of game-based learning

      The anthropologist in me particularly appreciates this statement! Interpretation and perspective is key to understanding culture (including gaming and learning culture:)) and acknowledging that there can be legitimate differences in interpretation is important.

    8. Rather, it described1 jazz musicians improvisin

      Ah, well that can explain why I saw a quick connection between video game playing and creating music.

    9. There was a combination of strain, expectation, enthusiasm, and some fear in the air. The collective nature of our endeavor involved not only that everybody had to ... play within the overall changing texture, but that each participant also had to achieve a level of feeling at ease doing so. I remembered Robin Engelman’s words: “I have experienced the feeling of becoming [what] I have been playing... the feeling of literally losing your identity”. ... [P]eriods of inactivity, dubitation, and weakness interrelated with moments of resolution and fiery activity. There was a nutritious dialogue going on. We were opening a realm of dialogue and exchange. We were building a social reality and a culture.... our own version of the world. [Odria, (2011), pp.55–56]

      In psychology, this called being in a state of "flow." This state is naturally hard to define, but in essence it is a state of action/creation that is so involving that that tools that are being used for the job disappear from the creator's mind, becoming an extension his/her being. Sounds crazy, but anyone who is an experienced VGP will recognize how a game controller will disappear from the thought process. From my music background, I can firmly say that this is goal of performing with an instrument; being so fluent with the tool that it is no longer thought of as a separate thing, the focus is completely on the creation.

  2. gamesandlearning.files.wordpress.com gamesandlearning.files.wordpress.com
    1. “fight through” some of the less interesting tasks associated with designing media.

      Large projects do indeed require some tasks that are just pure and simple work.

    2. Examining controversial issues from multiple perspectives and learning how to collaboratively design solutions to complex social problems is necessary for participation in a pluralistic society
    3. The rapid growth in mobile technologies presents many new possibilities for interacting with each other and the world around us. Mobile media allow for new forms of social interaction and provide new avenues for participating in the design and distribution of media content.

      The opportunities are there but how many teachers are provided with the tools and tech required to support such important learning projects?

    4. By making a game about an issue that was important to them and included their voices, the students felt like they were able to “push back” against the city.

      Empowering young people. A much needed teaching in our society.

    5. Many students referenced this goal in their journals and exit interviews and said that these ongoing discussions made them feel like they had some control over creating the learning environment and determining the learning activities.
    6. For many of the students this included doing more reading (of written language texts) and more writing than usual.

      An aspect I appreciate.

    7. Because the studio method presented a learning ecology that differed from their typical school experience, many students initially found it difficult to acclimatise to the studio setting

      Major change is difficult for many of us, hence, some cling to the old ways.

    8. The following discussion points, which are based on observations, analysis of students’ designed artifacts, and post interviews, highlight some of the initial themes that emerged during the implementation.
    9. Distributed knowledge

      Distributed knowledge is a term used in multi-agent system research that refers to all the knowledge that a community of agents possesses and might apply in solving a problem. From Wikipedia

    10. It is important to note that, despite our emphasis on mobility and the use of mobile devices, a central design space and consistent design rituals (for example, journaling, group discussion, critiques) were core to the studio/learning experience. Table 1 highlights some of the key components of the studio method as we applied it in this context.

      I'm fascinated with this resource.


    11. A normal class period during the project (90-minute block) included a combination of the following:

      This requires skilled classroom management. I don't think I could do it, but admire those who can.

    12. This last goal resulted in a minor debate, because there was some disagreement over whether or not the simulation should be activist or persuasive in nature, particularly given that it was being designed for use in a school setting.

      Noam Chomsky: Don't Seek To 'Persuade' Others To Your Own Viewshttps://youtu.be/F8WDMKOU-OI

    13. As part of the design process, students produced all of the game content (for example, game text, photos, videos, audio clips, HTML files, and so on) and organised it into a coherent narrative.

      Ambitious project!

    14. The City Manager helped frame the students’ thinking by discussing some of the design challenges he deals with on a daily basis

      Grounded in the real world.

    15. invited them to role-play as consultants hired by the city to locate contested places and issues within the downtown area.

      Learning to identify issues...

    16. The AR software and authoring tools they used (that is, the game engine and editor) were developed by Eric Klopfer and his colleagues at the MIT Scheller Teacher Education Program. The software can be accessed via their website, which is http://education.mit.edu/drupal/ar

      Time for so exploring?

      MIT education arcade

    17. Finally, the public debate became quite heated while the project was in progress, which resulted in a flurry of newspaper articles and opinion pieces, blog postings, and robust city council meetings that students mined in order to create their final design.

      I think this is an example of learning at its best. How do you feel about this type of experience?

    18. because the path was near the school, it made it easier to

      An important consideration in K-12 education, I think!

    19. In the end, the students’ intuition and timing was excellent
    20. After first brainstorming, and then discussing potential topics, the students decided they wanted to learn more about a recent proposal to redesign the local nature conservancy

      A learner centered approach is a proven way of keeping learners engaged, and thereby ensuring effective learning.

    21. Throughout the project, but especially during this component, we made a conscious effort to link students’ prior knowledge and interest in games, with the concepts we were studying.

      I argue that this link must be underscored or learners might get lost in the play.

    22. This approach aligned with two key features of the project: (1) to develop activities that could be completed using a range of technologies – from “low-fi” (for example, paper maps) to “hi-fi” (for example, mobile-based mapping software), and (2) to provide students choice in how they decided to gather information and represent their thinking.

      This approach permits those without access to digital devices to engage in the activity.

    23. Augmented Reality design component, where the entire class collaboratively researched a community issue and then designed a GPS-based simulation to teach other students and community members about the issue.

      An important teaching!

    24. three major curricular components
    25. I piloted the NGDP with 12 eleventh and twelfth-grade students enrolled in my community studies course, entitled People, Places, and Stories.
    26. this article presents my experience piloting the Neighbourhood Game Design Project (NGDP), a studio-based curriculum intervention aimed at engaging students in the design of place-based, mobile games and interactive stories using geo-locative technologies (for example, GPS enabled cell phones).
    27. more student-centred pedagogies that
    28. ethos built around participation, collaboration and distributed expertise
    29. a literacy rooted in design suggests that students should be capable of collaboratively and creatively designing solutions to complex, open-ended problems.

      Creative collaboration.

    30. Design and design thinking have been forwarded as central components of what it means to be literate in the 21st Century. This view ofliteracy does not diminish the importance of reading and writing as core literacies, but instead, emphasizes that literacy involves the active and dynamic Design of new meanings via the reorganisation of available resources

      I am pleased that the author clearly states the importance of reading, which I fear is being diminished by some.

    31. collaboratively designing an Augmented Reality1 simulation
    32. The article presents a brief overview of the Neighbourhood Game Design Project, a studio-based curriculum intervention aimed at engaging students in the design of place-based mobile games and interactive stories using geo-locative technologies (for example, GPS enabled cell phones).

      A Neighborhood Game design Project" and we set off on a new adventure, at least for me!

    1. Finally, the inquiry-as-play evidenced during MMM recalls the importance of “boundarycrossing” activities (Akkerman and Bakker, 2011), whereby learners come to see thefamiliar in new ways, and also act in new ways among familiar settings. MMM establishedgameful conditions for “boundary crossing” within mathematics teacher education.
    2. Accordingly, it was useful tomodel mobile investigation and interpretation strategies. Second, despite these learners’familiarity with mobile devices, using this technology during inquiry-as-play requireddemonstrating how to capture and collect media and also how to interview people and observephenomenain situ(Mathews, 2010).

      Familiar tool with new application requires instruction. A point to remember!

    3. Yet at theconclusion of M3, we confronted a proof-of-concept dilemma not atypical of design-basedresearch (Brown, 1992).
    4. Inequality: “The handicap parking sign demonstrates that certain people haveprivileges over others. In this case people with a handicap have a special privilege, butthere are similar signs that give access to those who have the power to purchase aparking spot, professors, and more. It has to do with math because the spot offers acloser proximity to the main entrance than other spots in the lot
    5. M3

      M1, M2, and M3. How refreshing, those who were conducting the study were learning and adjusting, instead of attaching to the original design!

    6. I recorded and shared videoscreencasts that identified the features of Google My Maps, explained how to upload andshare media via cloud-based platforms and reviewed online collaboration strategies.

      I enjoy learning tech through screencasts and wonder how others feel about them?

    7. An unintendedconsequence of this detailed introduction, however, was pre-service teacher concern thatgame-based and mobile inquiry may be unrealistic given typical school constraints:Should I assume that my students have access to technology? I am beginning to think about thecommunity surrounding the schools that I want to teach at, and is it realistically plausible to do[such] learning in some areas that schools are located? (m2.es18).

      Once again, privilege.

    8. The M2 redesign featured two improvements.
    9. Nonetheless, when my co-instructor and I evaluated M1 we concludedthat enthusiasm with game-based activities actually detracted from in-depth disciplinaryinquiry.

      I did not anticipate this conclusion.

    10. Another pre-service teacher remarked, “I felt so cliché thinking that math was everywhere,because that is what math teachers always say, but it was powerful to experience it formyself” (m1.es14).

      Then it was successful, wasn't it?

    11. I liked this activity because it got us up and moving – I learned a lot about the Madisoncommunity that I didn’t know before that I think will help me in my practicum. Also helped meas a student to see math in everyday life and made me wonder how I can include activities likethis in my own classroom (m1.es15)

      Great feedback from the pre-service teachers.

    12. When introducingMMM, my co-instructor and I failed to distinguish quotidian mobile device use fromspecialized disciplinary investigation; strategies for community engagement (i.e.interviewing) were not modeled, nor were pre-service teachers shown examples ofeveryday mathematics scenarios to investigate. We also neglected to discuss how a rangeof device functions – like using a camera for both photography and video – could documentdifferent concepts (i.e. shapes in architecture compared to rate in movement). In an effortto get pre-service teachers investigating outside the classroom, we quickly previewed the14 quest categories. This might explain why some teams perceived quests less asopportunities for nuanced inquiry and instead as the checklist of a timed scavenger hunt.

      Important point!

    13. This configuration was an interpretation oflawor the use of mathematics in upholding anddefining acceptable action.
    14. Inquiry-as-play is defined as expressive mobility situated amongstlearners’ social and material relations, disciplinary concepts and the built environment.

      Definition of Inquiry-as-play.

    15. The mathematics future educators are often prepared to teach in school differs from themathematical practices of everyday people, places and cultures (Gutiérrez, 2010).Stevens(2013)describes this difference as “in-not-as”, the mathematics embodiedineverydaysocial, cultural and professional practices is distinguished from mathematicsasactivity, orthe decontextualized problems and rote exercises of school study.

      Identifying and clearly articulating the issue.

    16. 14 disciplinary categories informed by the Common Core State Standards: aesthetics,commerce, conversation, cooperation, development, exclusion and limits, greater and lessthan, history, inequality, interaction, law, nature, operations and visual.

      Addressing Common Core State Standards.

    17. To fully frame the intent of this worked example, it is important to recognize that MMM was notdesigned as a game,per se. Rather, MMM was a game-based mobile learning activitydesigned to encourage play or “free movement within a more rigid structure”
    18. MMM also supported pre-service teachers in interpreting disciplinary inquiry via mediaproduction. The creation of media representations is a common element in game-based andmobile learning

      A common element in game-based and mobile learning.

    19. Each team of pre-service teachers included a player-as-geographer tasked withdrawing representations of location and distance as the group walked from campus,through adjacent neighborhoods and back to the classroom. A pre-service teacher alsorole played as an ethnographer who observed social and material relations, and noted themathematical qualities of team interactions. Another role played by pre-service teacherswas of a media specialist; this individual collected data through photographs, audio andvideo. Quests were another feature of MMM. MMM began with teams venturing aboutoutside the classroom, exploring a range of disciplinary topics embedded in everydaycircumstances, like greater and less than, inequality and operations.

      The roles!

    20. Mapping My Math (MMM), a curricular module designed to guide pre-serviceteachers’ mobile investigation and interpretation of everyday mathematics outside theclassroom.
    21. MMM was enacted within the context of what many teacher educators might recognize asa typical university-based methods course.
    22. Technological and pedagogical innovation in mathematicsteacher education often remains stuck inside university classrooms, disconnected from thepeople and places that comprise everyday mathematical knowledge and practice
    23. Thisconversation about units, cost and comparison illustrates the game-based activity’spurpose – to playfully explore mathematics featured in the everyday activities of people
    24. Mapping My Math (MMM)
    25. it is the responsibility of the designer to purposively select particular data and to positionthese data and their contextual and critical framing such that collectively they both allow othersto appreciate their theoretical importance and, at the same time, engage in their own framing oftheir meanings.My narrative frames MMM as intentionally encouraging pre-service teachers to playfullyleverage disciplinary practices, thereby shaping new relationships with mathematics, theircity and the mathematics of place and community

      A critically important point that is well addressed!

    26. However, many of these experiences simulate everyday practices,privilege classrooms as the container for technology-rich mathematical inquiry

      Once again access and the digital divide, this is serious issue that must be resolved if these new approaches are to succeed.

    27. learners participate inexperiences that authentically simulate problem-solving and disciplinary investigation aspracticed by professionals

      Ties it together nicely.

    28. it is possible to unsettle learning practices from schooling

      Is this assumption correct?

    29. How can game-based and mobile learning be designed to support pre-serviceteachers’ disciplinary inquiry of everyday mathematics?

      An important question, in my opinion. And can a game-based approach improve motivation?

    30. he role of mobile learningin mathematics teacher education to connect school, community and online settings

      Math is often taught in too abstract a manner, or with primarily business examples, for many of us to become enthusiastic about.

    1. mired in approaches that oftentreat students as passive agents who need to learn content matched to school disciplines,organized through curricul

      This is the mindset that I was referring to previously when I was contrasting the mind frame of K-12 educators with their Higher Education counterparts.

    2. is thevery real possibility that a change in leadership might derail the currently supported courses,models and ongoing vision.

      This is a rough one - different visions can really make or break a budding program or initiative.

    3. legitimized a games teaching andresearch agenda for faculty and students shared between disciplines

      The cross-discipline approach is a pretty straightforward way of allowing people to customize their learning within the structure of the institution!

    4. At one point, she described the emotionalconnection with her avatar allowing her to construct a narrative, which led toself-expression and a more meaningful learning experience


    5. Playful learning summits

      If you start connecting the dots, you'll see some familiar faces here.

    6. GameStarMechani

      Recall our reading from Alex Games during Cycle 3.

    7. First, anundergraduate course required for all pre-service teachers was redesigned and opened to allstudents on campus to connect games and digital media environments to learning.

      I wish we did this at CU Denver!

    8. The purposeful hiring of two assistant professors in the SoE with a background in games forlearning

      And let's call a spade a spade: Dani is talking about herself!

    9. Our intention is to purposely reveal processes, successes and challengesinfusing GBL in higher education to deepen understanding between fields and encourageresearch and practice with games across disciplines.

      In other words: "This is challenging work, we got our hands really dirty, and we're trying to make some sense of what we learned." I know I'm biased... and for many reasons, including the fact that Dani is a friend and colleague... yet I believe this approach to scholarship is very valuable.

    10. serious games aligned with pertinent academic content and the appeal (presentationand functionality) of popular commercial games

      I'm honestly not sure what this means, largely because I reject completely the idea that there exists a genre of "serious" games.

    11. the cost of developing a game-based course can be prohibitive for many universities.

      I would argue this depends entirely upon what is meant by a game-based course. A course that uses improvisational games in the theatre department likely doesn't cost TOO much... and isn't there an assumption here that game-based learning might mean digital video games? Perhaps that does cost a bit more money, but... it's an interesting point.

    12. GamesLearningSociety (www.gameslearningsociety.org/)

      This is the research group at UW-Madison where me, Dani (this article), Seann (who we're also reading this cycle), Jim (who we'll read next cycle) all got our PhDs, and which was founded by Kurt Squire (who we've also read) and Constance Steinkuehler (whose work is cited throughout many of our readings).

    13. The Center forGames & Impact (http://gamesandimpact.org/) at Arizona State University

      This is where Jim Gee and Betty Hayes are professors.

    1. the use ofleaderboards

      If he had positive findings from this practice, why did he stop using it?

    2. When we forget how to play, play looks frivolous.

      I find the implication of this sentence to be based in deficit-based thinking. It implies that the previously mentioned person has forgotten how to play. It completely ignores the variety of life circumstances that many people bring to the table. What if the student has not forgotten how to play, but has made life choices that make it so the minimum amount of time that the class requires is all he/she has available (being a parent with a 40 hour week job, for example)

    3. abandoning leaderboards

      Well done!

    4. “unlock”them as students completed quests

      This is huge. The ability to unlock new quests as a reward provides learners with a strong sense of agency. It also teaches that the true reward of learning is having the privilege to learn even more. This does not create a false sense of external motivation. Deci and Ryan would approve.

    5. Quests were designed aroundGardner’s (2011)Multiple Intelligences

      Arghh. First learning styles, and now this bit of neuromyth. This is not helping my sense of ethos for the author.

    6. audio/visual learner

      Wait. We are still using learning modalities or styles? Hasn't this been largely debunked?

    7. “How much XP do you think that would be worth”, and we start tocommunicate value. Likewise, students can challenge my ascribing of XP by honestlysaying a project had too much XP or too little for their time

      Just a silly musing. It cracks me up that due to the open ended nature of an XP system (unlike the closed system of traditional grades) we could apply the Labor Theory of Value to the determination of XP worth.

    8. My preference is to allow for short vaguedescriptions, give students some creative license, and praise and reward innovative andrigorous thinking

      I think this is great and I have taken this approach with project assignments in my own classes before, where I was internally aware of different directions a student could take an idea and preferred to sit back and observe who chose which path.

    9. the use of “quests” as a central design element

      The term quest suggests a noble undertaking, where the reward is the endeavor itself

    10. colonization of studentinformal gaming

      Interesting choice of terms

    11. Gaming expertise, or literacy, inone good game also can create an increased capacity to pick up and learn the next

      I have realized the benefit of gaming literacy in my affinity group, where the ability to "read" play across contexts - card, board, etc - is an an attribute of many gamers

    12. So gamers are learners

      Yes, and the motivation is intrinsic, the goals are personal as opposed to teachers mandating a required set of skills to move through grade levels

    13. hobby

      I would guess even as a builder of self and identity, not just a past time or a hobby ILT5320

    14. These pursuits not only improve theirprofessionalism but also encourage lifetime learning habits and sharing of ideas and whendone, they experience the thrill of expertise by sharing what they know back to the class

      Yes! The short game helps with the long game.

    15. For high level learners to go beyond points and be comfortablewith defining and pursuing learning goals under the mentorship of an instructor is, in myopinion, one of the finest outcomes of quest-based learning

      This is a nice statement about what the author sees as meaningful. I also find myself in agreement as both an instructor and a learner - it's pretty exciting to get to the point where the learning connections start to branch out from the main core of the class in constructive ways. It also takes a confident instructor/mentor to feel comfortable with this!

    16. generalizable (Laurel, 2003), while being essential to the study of new design and coveringnew ground (Barab and Squire, 2004).

      To the concerns above about comparing across different courses, well, DBR doesn't aim to generailze, hence this kind of qualifying statement.

    17. All courses were master’s level, at a mid-sized research university, exploring the use ofdigital technologies for education.

      Sound familiar?

    18. to be gamelike?

      Note that my co-authors and I are wrestling with similar issues in our article "Gameful learning as a way of being."

    19. Ideal designs could provide the tutorial and recognition of excellence in class andmake greater use of the “play” time out of class

      I'm not sure I agree entirely with Seann here... I think there's great value in playing games together in class. Hence, in our course, shared play sessions. And when I've taught GBL courses entirely face-to-face, we begin every class session with a game.

    20. attempting to create their classroom experiences as a game

      Note the echoes of gamification from our previous cycle, and consider how the elements that Seann will be describing fit with the aspects of design and motivation that we previously discussed.

    21. Games, learning and literacy are closely tied together and quite different than traditionalteaching and learning models

      This is why we began with reading Gee - folks like me and Seann see his scholarship as foundational to this entire field.

    1. an expression of agency contrary to the often disempowering position that constrains many K-12 and higher education practitioners

      This statement resonates with me very deeply right now.

    2. instructional designer or a middle school mathematics teacher

      Would be neat to know more about the course’s studentship.

    3. conversation about free speech and harassment can quickly become abstracted beyond recognition

      Well said!

  3. gamesandlearning.wordpress.com gamesandlearning.wordpress.com
    1. What recommendations do you have for platforms like Genius and Hypothesis to manage (the potential for) abuse

      What do Wikipedia and Urban Dictionary do to manage public entries?

    2. How would you respond

      To my current knowledge, there is no notification when an annotation happens? How would I know then?

  4. Mar 2016
    1. My students assumed the roles of historical figures and stepped outside their everyday selves to analyze events and solve problems from multiple perspectives

      Adding "layers" like mentioned earlier.

    2. civilisation
    3. Jeremiah I. Holden*

      The pressure is ON!

    1. This meant that highlyskilled students could move on, and others could dwell and work on skills smack dab in themiddle of their ZPD. Not only did I enjoy grading more, but I could get a visceral feel of thebrass ring of meeting students right where they struggled and pushing them with clearguidance – and it all was anaturaloutcome of a fairly simple course design shift.

      So feedback was added and students' success increased. Didn't have to write 16 pages to come to this conclusion...

    2. Google Suite

      There is an Adobe Suite but not Google Suite. May be Google tools, apps.

    3. six master’s level courses attempting to appropriatea quest-based learning approach to classroom design.

      Here is the inconsistency: the author is exploring Vygotsky's social theories that are applied to children's learning to master level courses for adult learners. Does anyone see something wrong with this?

    4. digital systems

      as opposed to analog systems?

    5. Looking at ZPD from the teacher’sperspective can be intimidating if not impossible. But what if instead of having the teacheridentify the student, the teacher creates a more game-like space where students canquickly identify their own ZPD?

      This is quite inaccurate. The whole concept of learning styles has been qualified as a neuro myth and completely disproven (see Pashler 2008).

    6. Looking at ZPD from the teacher’sperspective can be intimidating if not impossible. But what if instead of having the teacheridentify the student, the teacher creates a more game-like space where students canquickly identify their own ZPD?

      Isn't the whole point of ZDP theory - the social context of learning?

    7. Anecdotally, students were animated to show their work each week, highly productivestudents more often worked in groups, and conversations around quests were much lessrelated to scoring and points and much more related to increasing the quality andprofessionalism of the products.

      This reminds me of digital storytelling from last summer and how at the end four of us (+Remi) worked together on our last assignment!

    8. “Dr Dikkers, would it be okay if I stopped questing and spent the last fewweeks of class learning to code?

      This is great! the methods used encouraged interest driven learning!

    9. bossfights” as summative activities

      This sounds awesome :) !

    1. where as I was playing to observe them and just get a few points on the board each roll.

      So what does that say about game play strategy?

    2. This relates directly to our reading from Holden regarding taking risks and trying out different ways of thinking.

      Are you referencing the article I co-authored with UM colleagues about gameful learning?

    3. were different then my husbands rules so we played one game of each

      Aren't house rules awesome?!

    1. But I'm up for the challenge.

      As you know, this is interest-driven learning. There's certainly no requirement that you complete X challenges a day prior to our project concluding...

    2. I take a break and play Code Combat

      Sounds fun... is this a welcome practice? Something you look forward to doing?

    3. a baby step towards participation

      One step at a time!

    4. because I really want to participate in the flower design discussion.

      So perhaps you've chosen to stay in "lurker mode" because nothing has really motivated you yet... that is, until this flower design discussion. Maybe it's about purpose and context, and nothing to do with your fear of asking "a dumb question"...?

    1. One significant complaint was that students had no means to control the spoken and subtitle speeds, which caused them some difficulty in comprehension and diminished the value of the experience (Chen & Yang, 2012).

      Another limitation of this study may be transfer. Because students only played Bone, are the encouraging results about listening, reading, and vocabulary only attribute to this specific game... and maybe not other OTS games?

    2. abandoned their note taking as play intensified, which likely impacted the results.

      This seems reasonable, no? The more intense a play experience, the harder it is to successfully participate in multiple practices (game play and note-taking), hence the notes are abandoned.

    3. for twenty vocabulary items found in the videogame

      Were any of these words specific to the plot of Bone? In other words, how - if at all - did context matter?

    4. but instead a commercial adventure videogame.

      Which means that this study by Chen and Yang is examining learning potential and outcome associated with an "Off-the-Shelf" (or OTS) game. In contrast to (digital/video) games that are expressly designed in alignment with certain learning objectives.

    5. Bone

      Oh goodness... I grew up reading Bone. This is, hands down, one of my favorite comics ever. Ever. I really like everything that Jeff Smith has done... and Bone, wow, I'm such a fan! I have a few original weekly comics (black and white), a few foreign language editions, some books, and a full set of the 90 trading cards that were printed in the early 90s. Great comic.

    1. she sacrifices her presence in game play to make room for more opportunity. I wish I could accurately describe the superfan's description of this woman. It was almost...adoration. And it was honestly kind of touching.

      Wow... this is a fascinating story.

    2. than as a lascivious wench - which is a character who appears in another faction that I have used previously

      We had a nice Twitter conversation about that. If I recall correctly, we began to discuss to characteristics of skeletons and sharks, yes?

    3. they have clothes on

      How odd...

    4. and that the goal was informal learning and collaboration - all realizations that I had taken for granted until I was in a position where I wasn't receiving any help.

      Wow, what a really important interaction despite the obvious challenges and discomfort.

    5. It took me being rejected by him to realize how much help I had been receiving from others for over a month.

      Fascinating insight.

    6. (I'm beginning to wonder if I have some sort of learning issue that makes it challenging for me to process verbal instructions...)

      Have you noticed this before NOT in the context of learning a new board game, or has this only happened within this affinity space?

    7. or play around their common understanding.

      Like many expressions of play, play can be socially negotiated from one moment to the next.

    8. have provided little to no authoritative clarification on the rules, so the Smash Up Community is left to resolve issues on its own.

      Fascinating, this creates the conditions for players to create rules of their own. What an interesting dynamic.

    9. I was pretty confused about the difference between a card's ability and its talent. I'm still really unclear about this and the player who was teaching our group admitted that he wasn't entirely sure, either.

      This is great. Play means making it up along the way!

    10. I am almost convinced of my own coolness. Almost.

    11. "What expansions do you have?"

      This is a nice observation about activity in a community. The question, in some respects, asks "What's your expert knowledge?" And also, "How much of insider are you?"

    1. I hope to create some sense of this before the affinity space project is completed. I’m looking forward to learning more about how my own identity will take shape and how others have created an identity in Unity Community.

      And part of this might come through more direct interactions with people - that is, amplifying your participation and learning from/with others to get a sense of your various identities in the affinity space.

    2. but there is so much more to discover by learning how key members are situated, and reflecting on yourself as a member of the space.

      This is a very nice observation, thanks for sharing these reflective thoughts.

    3. I never really assessed myself in these ways.

      Nice to learn this as a result of your participation.

    4. It’s important to understand how others are situated in the affinity space when interacting. Some members may be more inclined to game production, others to theory, others are just starting out looking for direction, and many other possible scenarios

      A nice reminder that there are many motivating factors that compel participation in an affinity space - that's a strength of a robust community.

    5. This is a reminder of the multilayered depth many affinity spaces involve

      Yes indeed, this is a very nice observation.

    6. When I looked at his profile, I was able to find out more about him on his web page goodgamesbydesign.com. I was surprised to find a number of resources for game design including “Game Design Zen” podcasts and YouTube videos.

      Notice the distributed ecology of resources - a website, podcasts, YouTube videos, all linked together by an affinity for game design.

    7. is more of observation and research.

      Or perhaps, as some ethnographers would say, a participant observer?

    1. from the more general research

      Perhaps a future scholarly critique?

    2. While the article was written with examples from many industries, the authors were mostly interested in applications to the medical industry.  

      There has been a lot of literature written about simulations in medical education, I'm not surprised to learn this.

    3. using the same approach in both simulated and actual settings

      Yes, practices that can successfully cross settings are likely useful learning practices.

    4. tool

      Yes, I appreciate that debriefing is a "tool," that's a nice reminder that tools are not only material objects.

    5. drawing the simulation (or, as I’m envisioning it, game) and the regular world closer together

      Yes, game play is sometimes described as activity within a magic circle. In this respect, there is the world of game play and the world of not-game play. Creating a new margin, a hybrid space to connect these experiences is really important, and it appears that debriefing is one effective strategy for doing so.

    6. The article also brought to mind Salen’s discussion of games and learning, particularly in regards to the “world separate from other activities” that is inextricably intertwined with the other elements of players’ lives.

      That's a nice connection! And I'm also ofter reminded about her work, too!

    7. Although the article really does focus on the “debriefing,” rather than the simulation

      This is an important distinction. Too frequently educators implement games in classroom or more formal learning settings without any regard for the conversations that will occur after/because of play. This emphasis on debriefing does serve an important need.

    1. I’ll make sure to take a bunch of screenshots

      Good idea, as - practically speaking - you can use those in your final affinity space project.

    2. but it happened!

      And that's exactly why we're participating in this project over the entire semester - to develop, grow, and connect as a participant in a given community.

    3. I asked how I could turn my upcoming faculty development session on Google Apps in the classroom into a game.

      Nice question, seems to reference many of the conversations we've been having this term about the design of playful/game-based experiences in authentic learning contexts.

    4. I’ve included a video below of me asking Alexa some questions

      This is pretty amazing, thanks for sharing!

    5. The contest ended yesterday (March 17), so here’s hoping I win! The prize is a copy of the game.

      Any update?

    6. Board game geek provides you with the javascript to enter into your website.

      That is so cool, I'm really pleased to learn that playing around with some coding to share information about your affinity space participation was so easy!

    1. I am pleasantly surprised that open annotation as social reading so seamlessly affords honest expression as acceptable.

      I was comfortable doing this because I've learned with you (Remi) before. If this had been an exercise in a course with an instructor I had no had experience with I would be more careful with my words.

      You (Remi) are great at creating a sense of community and collaboration in your courses. I hope that others are as comfortable with you as I am!

    1. plungers

      I'm not sure I've ever seen Mario with a plunger... maybe in the Paper Mario games, but I can't be sure.

    2. Stop seeking simple answers that address the wrong question. W
    3. Ensure that game objectives and learning objectives correspond.
    4. Work toward assessments that make it possible to understand the relation-ships among players, their social interactions with one another, their games, and their metacognitive reflections. I
    5. Include the metagame
    6. Encourage collaborative partnerships among commercial game companies, educational researchers, teachers, administrators, policymakers, and par-ents.
    7. Conduct longitudinal studies that examine the impact of educational video games.
    8. Research educational video games already in use.
    9. Create an educational video game repository.
    10. Construct working definitions that will facilitate the separation of video games and simulations
    11. Despite the fact that video games are viewed positively by some teachers and even some administrators

      Do we have any K-12 educators here with success stories of implementing GBL in their classrooms?

    12. gamers have a tendency to bypass information that is nonessential to completing game tasks
    13. The blend of ARG, video game, and embodied experi-ence provided a unique method of information delivery for historical content.
    14. he game-playing partici-pants underperformed on items that were based on information from the pop-up text, suggesting that the players did not pay as much attention to historical facts in the game text and cut scenes.

      These texts are often long, which might turn off some players. I myself am guilty of not reading them.

    15. found that collaborative paired play worked particularly well in his-tory classroom environments, with students reporting an increase in knowledge of maps, time lines, and historical terms, although the instructor needed to have a good deal of game play expertise to mediate and facilitate game play toward achievement gains.
    16. Civilization series as a tool that instructors and learners can modify to re-create historical conflicts

      This is especially true now with one of the expansions for Civilization V that lets you replay important historic battles in the form of scenarios.

    17. It should come as no surprise, then, that several studies highlighted history-based video games as an effective means of engaging students beyond traditional methods of history instruction
    18. Civilizati

      One of my personal favorites :). It's engaging and educational!

    19. The results showed that 90% of the children enjoyed that combination and “the games reduce[d] the boredom of exercise” (Hawkins, 2009, p. 10).
    20. the state mandated that all middle and junior high schools integrate DDR into their PE programs and that all of the state’s gym teachers be trained in using DDR,

      Interesting. I hope the State paid for it. Those mats can be expensive, and if used a lot they would need to be replaced frequently.

    21. 30-minute session and to determine whether both experienced and inexperienced players could meet the minimal daily recommended levels of physical activity and energy expendi-ture.

      In my experience 30 minutes of DDR is high impact exercise, which is more than the recommended 30 minutes of moderate impact exercise recommended... but I digress.

    22. Dance Dance Revolution

      Relevant? Probably not. Funny? Yes! Do you think Bowser would lose some weight with this exercise regime? Do you think they're trying to impress Peach?

    23. This study’s results suggested that, at least in the short term, children’s activity level may be increased by using exergames.

      Unfortunately these games can be fairly expensive.

    24. the immer-sive environments that video games create, and the human instinct to adapt and survive in those environments, can lead to more than just language learning.
    25. not every student needs to play the game to receive the benefits of video game interactions
    26. Previous research suggests that the use of video games for language learning is so effective that there are many cases where video games used to teach language are capable of teaching students who are not even playing the game themselves but merely observing game play.

      RPG video games often have subtitles. If someone were to leave the language say in Japanese, but have the subtitles on in English, would they learn some Japanese (or vice versa), I know I've picked up a few Japanese words from watching Naruto this way

    27. but appear to result from a complex situated interaction of learner, game, and context

      I wonder if immersion into an affinity space would have the same results? I would assume so.

    28. Looking at the concept of general language learning, instructors appear to agree that the most powerful way to learn a language is through immersion in a culture where the language is used routinely to interact with others and the world.

      Can be achieved through virtual worlds.

    29. Sims (Ra

      Interesting, as The Sims doesn't have any spoken English, just written English.

    30. It is clear from our analysis that more time must be devoted to the topic of sci-ence-based video gaming before larger trends regarding their impact are revealed.

      Maybe science just doesn't lend itself to GBL? Thoughts?

    31. the structures built into some games do not directly match their counter-parts outside of them

      This study is 4 years old. Do you believe this still to be true? Are there other games out there now that fit better with science learning?

    32. Bloom’s taxonomy
    33. The transfer of science informa-tion from isolated in-game activities requires metacognitive scaffolding by a skilled educator who can encourage student reflection, provide students with thought questions that force them to reference the specific curricular science skills, and bridge content from the game into their real lives (Baek, Kim, & Park, 2009).