40 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2016
    1. Among demographic groups, whites and older Americans are especially likely to express anger at the government

      Though the minorities have deep distrust in the federal government and many reason to not trust the government the majority is more frustrated than the minority

    2. A quarter of whites say they are angry at the federal government, compared with 17% of Hispanics and 12% of blacks.

      The rest of the white males that are not white rich males are also say that they angry and distrust the government along side with other minorities.

    1. And elected officials are held in such low regard that 55% of the public says “ordinary Americans” would do a better job of solving national problems.

      Many people just don't trust police officer or other type of government official that is in charge of protection but elected officials.

    2. Currently, just 19% say they can trust the government always or most of the time, among the lowest levels in the past half-century.

      Only a small percent of people believe in the government. I can infer that those 19% are white rich male.

    1. This suggests that while Americans who think minorities are being treated unfairly may want an increased police presence, it is unclear whether they mean more manpower in their communities or perhaps different types of officers, in demeanor or racial makeup.

      This shows that many minorities are still unclear on what who to believe in. If it is either have more and have a different kind but it is mostly a decision of two evils.

    2. This suggests that while Americans who think minorities are being treated unfairly may want an increased police presence, it is unclear whether they mean more manpower in their communities or perhaps different types of officers, in demeanor or racial makeup

      This shows that many minorities have always been unclear on what of two that they want. It mostly a decision of lesser of two evil.

    3. blacks, whites, Hispanics and overall national adults -- who believe minorities have been treated unfairly, relatively small percentages want a smaller police presence in their local communities. This could mean that despite high-profile incidents, Americans recognize that police are needed in their area.

      Even though that many minorities such as blacks and Hispanics as if they were wronged they still want more police officers.

    4. More blacks (38%) say they want a greater police presence in their local communities than do whites (18%) or Americans more broadly (23%).

      Though some minorities groups feel mistreated and have a deep distrust for the government when it comes to protection minorities they still want a greater presence in police force.

    5. In general, though, majorities of these major groups profess wanting "no change" in the police presence in their local community. However, blacks are the least likely to say this at 51%, compared with Hispanics at 59% and whites at 74%. Only small percentages of any group say they want a smaller police presence than currently exists

      The majority want do not want a change in police presence since the majority usually does not face the same problems as the minority.

    1. Gallup polling between 2012 and 2014 showed that a majority of blacks, or 64 percent, had only some, very little or no confidence in the police, while the majority of the whites questioned, or 58 percent, had either a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in the police. Between 2009 and 2011, Gallup found 61 percent of blacks only had partial or no confidence in police, while 62 percent of whites had a lot of confidence in the police.

      Minorities has little trust in law enforcement.

    2. almost two-thirds of blacks - 65 percent - surveyed by the Pew Research Center said police went too far in their response to the Ferguson protests, while one-third of whites agreed and nearly another third said the police response has been about right. The Pew survey was conducted Aug. 14-17.

      Minorities have seen that the government when it comes to protection has gone too far. While the majority has seen it as necessary thing.

    1. Economic pressure from immigrants forces those of us already here to work harder and smarter

      This can be a reason why the government distrust minorities. It makes the one who are American lose jobs thus lose profit.

    2. mmigration is also a critical aspect of America's most cherished tradition: capitalism. In fact, immigration may well be capitalism's most rudimentary form. New bloodlines introduce new ideas and legitimate challenges to old, outdated modes of thinking.

      The only reason that the government trust some minorities is for profit. This in a way can mislead some minorities in which this make them distrust the government.

    1. The two largest racial and ethnic minority groups in the U.S. -- Hispanics and blacks -- currently rate most institutions similarly. They differ most in their confidence in the presidency, with 71% of blacks and 44% of Hispanics expressing confidence.

      The static shows that minorities share similar distrust in the government directly toward who is president.

  2. Feb 2016
    1. In fact, nonwhites' greater confidence in most U.S. institutions today may largely be due to political differences stemming from the fact that the current president is a Democrat. Across 15 institutions measured in both 2004-2006 and 2011-2013, nonwhites' confidence has increased two points, on average. Meanwhile, whites' average confidence has dropped seven points, indicating today's racial differences are fueled mostly by declining white confidence in U.S. institutions

      Why many minorities still have some trust in the government is mostly because the current president is a Democrat. While the majorities has declined trust.

    2. Some of the racial differences, such as confidence in news media, police, small business, and the military may be a function of political differences between nonwhites -- who tend to be more Democratic politically -- and whites, who are more likely to be Republican.

      One of the reason why minorities have some distrust is based on political differences.

    3. U.S. nonwhites express greater confidence than whites in most major institutions in the country, particularly the presidency, television news, and Congress

      Minorities have more trust in these topics then government protection.

    1. Media accounts of police misconduct also influence perceptions of the police, but less so than personal interactions.Frequent exposure to media reports of police abuse or corruption is a strong predictor of perceptions of misconduct and supports the belief that it is common

      The media plays a small role in influencing minorities opinion on trusting the government for protection. Since the media usually portraits as abuse or corruption.

    2. People who perceive that they received “procedural justice” are also likely to perceive the police as legitimate and trustworthy and are likely to comply in the future. Procedural justice is the notion that a process is fair and that people have the opportunity to be heard, are treated politely and respectfully, and are judged by a neutral system free of bias. [4]

      Some minorities feel as if that their encounter were not one that show that "procedural justice" excuted and that would lead them to distrust the government and not to cooperate.

    3. People tend to focus on how police treat them — the process and interactions — rather than the final outcome of those interactions

      The process and interaction is what makes people doubt the government for protection based on those two rather than the waiting for the outcome.

    4. People form opinions of the police based on their own interactions with them or the experiences they hear from trusted friends and family.

      This is how many people begin to distrust or trust the government.

    5. researchers controlled for factors such as the level of neighborhood crime, the reported quality of police-citizen encounters, and other demographic variables such as age, income and education, the effects of race disappeared entirely or were substantially reduced

      Race is not the problem when it comes to police and citizen interaction but still many people did not trust the government for protection.

    6. Although data show that whites hold the police in higher regard than do minorities, race has not been found to directly influence how people form opinions about law enforcement

      Race isn't the clear factor of why minorities do not trust the government for protection.

    7. It undermines the legitimacy of law enforcement, and without legitimacy police lose their ability and authority to function effectively.

      This would be the effect of minorities not being able to trust the government. It stop law enforcement from being able to perform there jobs.

    8. Racial and ethnic minority perceptions that the police lack lawfulness and legitimacy, based largely on their interactions with the police, can lead to distrust of the police.

      This is a reason why minority do not trust the government because of prior interaction.

    9. Lawfulness means that police comply with constitutional, statutory and professional norms

      Government should alway be professional and never veer from the law.This is sometimes corrupt by some government people this causes some minorities to distrust the government.

    10. Minorities frequently report that the police disproportionately single them out because of their race or ethnicity.

      This is a reason why minorities distrust the government for protection because they are not the majority.

  3. Dec 2015
    1. The scraps are heated and centrifuged to reclaim bits of muscle and then the product is treated with ammonium hydroxide to kill bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli before being mixed into ground beef.

      Ammonium hydroxide kills harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and E.coli found in the scraps but too much ammonium can actually kill us.

    2. The scraps are heated and centrifuged to reclaim bits of muscle and then the product is treated with ammonium hydroxide to kill bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli before being mixed into ground beef.

      Ammonium hydroxide kills harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and E.coli found in the scraps but too much ammonium can actually kill us.

    3. The scraps are heated and centrifuged to reclaim bits of muscle and then the product is treated with ammonium hydroxide to kill bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli before being mixed into ground beef.

      Ammonium hydroxide kills harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and E.coli found in the scraps but too much ammonium can actually kill us.

    4. The scraps are heated and centrifuged to reclaim bits of muscle and then the product is treated with ammonium hydroxide to kill bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli before being mixed into ground beef.

      Ammonium hydroxide kills harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and E.coli found in the scraps but too much ammonium can actually kill us.

    5. The scraps are heated and centrifuged to reclaim bits of muscle and then the product is treated with ammonium hydroxide to kill bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli before being mixed into ground beef.

      Ammonium hydroxide kills harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and E.coli found in the scraps but too much ammonium can actually kill us.

    6. The scraps are heated and centrifuged to reclaim bits of muscle and then the product is treated with ammonium hydroxide to kill bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli before being mixed into ground beef.

      Ammonium hydroxide kills harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and E.coli found in the scraps but too much ammonium can actually kill us.

    7. The scraps are heated and centrifuged to reclaim bits of muscle and then the product is treated with ammonium hydroxide to kill bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli before being mixed into ground beef.

      Ammonium hydroxide kills harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and E.coli found in the scraps but too much ammonium can actually kill us.

    8. The scraps are heated and centrifuged to reclaim bits of muscle and then the product is treated with ammonium hydroxide to kill bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli before being mixed into ground beef.

      Ammonium hydroxide kills harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and E.coli found in the scraps but too much ammonium can actually kill us.

    9. The scraps are heated and centrifuged to reclaim bits of muscle and then the product is treated with ammonium hydroxide to kill bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli before being mixed into ground beef.

      Ammonium hydroxide kills harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and E.coli found in the scraps but too much ammonium can actually kill us.

    10. But as schools across the country grapple with tight budgets, some are changing their minds and accepting the lower-price alternative product that brings down the price of the food they serve

      Many of the schools know what is inside the beef they purchase but have no choice but to buy it because of the tight budget many school are on.

  4. Nov 2015
    1. in the United States, 80 percent of us live in large, densely populated urban areas, usually on the coast, and typically hundreds of miles, often thousands of miles, from the major centers of food productio

      This demographic shows that most of the American population live in large urban areas that are typically far from food production which conclude that locavore moment are useless.

    2. And what counts as local? Does food need to be purchased directly from the producer? Does it still count when it’s distributed through a mass marketer, as with Wal-Mart’s Salute to America’s Farmer program, which is now periodically showcasing local growers?

      Just because something is locally produced doesn't mean it's any healthier or fresh, than foods that have to be shipped.

    3. the increasing reliance on foods shipped halfway round the world.

      Locavore's feel as though the Local communities depend to heavily on other parts of the world for food.