- Oct 2023
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esidents of Black and low-income communitiesare more likely to suffer from environmental degradation
Low income communities are more likely to have depletion of resources because of highways
oncepts of race andspace share very similar characteristics
Race and space have similar characteristics
engage-ment with racial studies by critical geographers has fosteredan understanding of the ways that “space works to conditionthe operation of power and the constitution of relationalidentities.
Studies about race have contributed to understanding the ways of other cultures and races
lack women at the center ofstruggles for spatial justice
More specific in the fact that black women are struggling
Many families who havelived in East Tampa for several generations moved there dueto urban renewal, which demolished housing in other Blackneighborhood
People moved there because of new housing in other communities that destroyed the housing of the black neighborhoods
predominantly Black, multi-neighborhoodEast Tampa area
East Tampa- Minority communities
this had occurred in Tampafrom the 1950s through the 1970
History of the same thing happening
highway expansion initiativeshave disproportionately affected areas of the city that houselarge numbers of ethnic minority residents,
Highway expansion effects ethnic minority residents by tearing down important cultural institutions.
Young-Green was not only asserting her placeas a community leader but also as someone who could speakto the racialized history of highway expansion.
African American speaker who lives in Tampa Heights and speaks about race and the history of highway expansion
destroy cherished public and privatespaces without regard for the significance of these placesand spaces to people in the community.
reason for protesting the TBX project
White audience wereresidents of Tampa Heights
Tampa Heights=predominantly white
communitiesmay suffer from other effects because of past, current, andproposed urban projects
May seem like a good idea to implement the TPX project, past projects have effected communities in the past
They had even or-ganized and participated in public protests against the projectcalled Tampa Bay Express
Residents of Tampa Heights already protested against other highway expansion plans
from other communities who would also be affectedby the expansion plans
More than one community effected
Florida Department of Transportation- had plans to have the expressway expansion to improve the infrastructure.
Key words:
Most important words, should highlight these points with the following words.
intersection of race, space, and resistance as we revisit the legacies and contemporary implicationsof urban development policies in historically Black communitie
Shows what the article is about, which is the urban development and history of the black communities
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Key words
Important words to recognize in the article
intersection of race, space, and resistance as we revisit the legacies and contemporary implications of urban development policies in historically Black communities.
Talks about the history of development in black communities
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pecifically identifiedpractices that could be utilized by mental health nurses inyouth and adult inpatient settings to promote trauma-informed care
shows what people are able to use these practices
Starting to make a solution
reinforces the link between childhood trauma and long-term negative health outcomes
Another reason to prove something
positive relationship
As one goes up, the other goes up as well
study inthe USA established an irrefutable link between the child-hood exposure to harsh experiences, such as physical andsexual abuse, and neglect, and exposure to domestic vio-lence and adverse health outcomes in adulthood
Statistics proven by a study
Well-connected neural pathways, neces-sary for the development of healthy, adaptive responsesto experiences and emotions, are diminished in childrenexposed to adverse environments compared to thoseexposed to more positive environments. The resultingimpairment in mood and behaviour regulation leads tosubsequent maturational difficulties, such as an inabilityto establish effective interpersonal relationships, regulateemotions, and learn from own and others’ experiences(Schore 2003)
Problem and result of the problem
- Sep 2023
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Others worry that their ambivalencewill end up confusing readers who require decisive, clear-cut conclusions.
Being indecisive often confuses the reader
Byadmitting that the opposing argument has a point, Ungar bolsters hiscredibility,
Using the other argument increases credibility
us get beyond the kind of “is too” / “is not” exchanges that oftencharacterize the disputes of young children and the more polarized shoutingmatches of talk radio and TV.
More of a medium between completely agreeing and completely disagreeing
whenever you agree with one person’s view, youare likely disagreeing with someone else’s.
If you agree with someone, you disagree with others
as long as you can support a positiontaken by someone else without merely restating what was said, there is noreason to worry about being “unoriginal.”
Basically as long as you add something to the conversation, no reason to say your unoriginal.
your textcan usefully contribute to the conversation simply by pointing out unnoticedimplications or explaining something that needs to be better understood.
Add to the reasonings to help the reader understand more.
ou also needto do more than simply echo views you agree with.
Needs be more than restating what others already said
disagreements do not need to take the form of personal put-downs.
No need to insult when disagreeing.
ot wanting to be unpleasant, to hurt someone’s feelings, or tomake yourself vulnerable to being disagreed with in return
Reasons to not want to express disagreement
disagree not with the position itself but with the assumption thatit is a new or stunning revelation.
I've never heard of that way, seems a lot more difficult than arguing the other side.
you also have to offer persuasive reasons why you disagree.
Explanation on why you disagree
Disagreeingcan also be the easiest way to generate an essay:
I think this is also the easiest way to write an essay
readers cometo any text needing to learn fairly quickly where the writer stands,
The readers need to know your argument. What other ways to argue are there besides agree, disagree, or both
stating clearly whether you agree,disagree, or both,
Make sure your argument is clear.
he more complex and subtle yourargument is, and the more it departs from the conventional ways peoplethink,
The more complex, the more readers have to think
hen writers take too long to declare their position relative to viewsthey’ve summarized or quoted, readers get frustrated,
Get to the point so the reader doesn't have to wonder what you are arguing.
agreeing,disagreeing, or some combination of both.
Ways to respond
What these students come to realize is that goodarguments are based not on knowledge that only a special class of expertshas access to but on everyday habits of mind that can be isolated, identified,and used by almost anyone.
Arguments are not just based on research
“I say” stage,
Response stage
“Aquote by Shakespeare says.” Introductory phrases like these are bothredundant and misleading.
What not to do to introduce a quotation
readers need to see how you interpret the quotation,
Seeing what you think the meaning of the quote is
not all quotationsrequire the same amount of explanatory framing,
Different explanations for different quotes
framing creates a kind of hybridmix of Tannen’s words and those of the writer.
Balance between writer's quote and your words
studentexplains the quotation while restating it in his own words, thereby making itclear that the quotation is being used purposefully instead of having beenstuck in simply to pad the essay or the works-cited list
Restating the quote in his own words makes it clear that there is a purpose for the quotation
academic communicationtends to be a competition for supremacy in which loftier values liketruth and consensus get lost.
Communication tends to be an argument for who is right, not what the truth is.
with the statement introducing it serving asthe top slice of bread and the explanation following it serving as the bottomslice.
How to adequately frame a quotation
Since this student fails to introduce the quotation adequately or explain whyhe finds it worth quoting, readers will have a hard time reconstructing whatTannen argued.
Failing to introduce a quotation means that readers will have a hard time understanding it.
you need to build a framearound them in which you do that speaking for them.
Makes the quotes clear and their relevance known.
When you're deeply engaged inthe writing and revising process, there is usually a great deal of back-and-forth between your argument and any quotations you select.
Choosing the right quotations are difficult and will change throughout the writing process.
you need to have a sense ofwhat you want to do with them—that is, how they will support your text atthe particular point where you insert them.
The quote being used should have a specific place in the essay that supports your text.
what the quotation means,and how the quotation relates to your own text.
How to use a quotation in your academic writing
quotations are orphans: wordsthat have been taken from their original contexts and that need to beintegrated into their new textual surroundings.
They need an explanation around them.
Because the meaning of a quotation isobvious to them, many writers assume that this meaning will also be obvious
This shows that they should explain the meaning of the quote is so that the readers understand what the quote means too.
because theydon’t fully understand what they’ve quoted and therefore have troubleexplaining what the quotations mean.
Reasons for not quoting too much, because that could mean a lack of understanding of the quote.
Quoting someone else’s words gives atremendous amount of credibility to your summary and helps ensure that itis fair and accurate.
Using direct quotes gives more credibility because of its accuracy
Because our speaker failed to mention what others had saidabout Dr. X’s work, he left his audience unsure about why he felt the need tosay what he was saying.
Nobody knew exactly what he was arguing against
the argument—that Dr. X’s work was very important—was clearenough, but why did the speaker need to make it in the first place? Didanyone dispute it?
Arguments are useless without a counter claim
To introduce a summary, use one of the signal verbs
Use signal words to introduce a summary
Though “he says” or “she believes” willsometimes be the most appropriate language for the occasion,
Use "he says" or "she believes" occasionally, but not too much
urge,” “emphasize,” and “complain about”
examples of better words to use rather than say
that writing is aboutplaying it safe and not making waves,
Not true
In some cases,“the says” may even drain the passion out of the ideas you’re summarizing.
Loses passion by using boring words/templates
avoid bland formulas like “she says” or“they believe.”
Boring and don't use them often
But in taking their position to itslogical conclusion,
Must have a logical conclusion
the satiric summary,
I don't think I'm ever going to use a satiric summary
eflecting not justthe source you are summarizing but your own perspective or take on it aswell.
Have your own view of the source your summarizing
riting a good summary means not just representing anauthor’s view accurately but doing so in a way that fits what you want to say,the larger point you want to make.
Summary needs to fit the large point you need to make
it has a clear,overarching goal:
Make sure your reasonings have a clear goal
Not all lists are bad, however. A list can be an excellent way to organizematerial
Beneficial for organizing or an outline
ist summaries,
Fail to focus the summaries to a claim
But writers often summarize a given author on oneissue even though their text actually focuses on another.
Focus on the same text
th toward Zinczenko’s own text and toward the secondparagraph, where the writer begins to establish her own argument.
First paragraph has own text and leads to her argument
If you want your essay to encompass all threetopics, you'll need to subordinate these three issues to one of Zinczenko’sgeneral claims and then make sure this general claim directly sets up yourown argument.
Similar to a five paragraph essay
you to temporarily adopt theworldview of another person, it does not mean ignoring your own viewaltogether.
Do not ignore your own views
Have some structure
t is extremely important that you go back to what those others have said,
Use what other people said, and repeat it in the essay
the closest cliché syndrome,
Summarized the wrong view the author actually expressed
ou are likely to produce summaries that are so obviously biased thatthey undermine your credibility with readers.
being too biased makes the article not as credible.
readers should not be able to tell whetheryou agree or disagree with the ideas you are summarizing.
Important to know for essays
To write a really good summary, you must be able to suspend your ownbeliefs for a time and put yourself in the shoes of someone else.
Way of trying to understand the other arguments
a summarymust at once be true
Cannot make false claims about the other argument
Lackingconfidence, perhaps, in their own ideas, these writers so overload their textswith summaries of others’ ideas that their own voice gets lost.
Find a balance between summarizing and your own ideas.
it is important to knowhow to summarize effectively what those other people say.
Important to understand what others are saying and summarize it
By reminding readers of the ideas you’re responding to, return sentencesensure that your text maintains a sense of mission and urgency from start tofinish.
Sense of meeting when repeating claims. Also gets stuck in the reader's head.
In other words, even when presenting your own claims, you should keepreturning to the motivating “they say.”
Keep the they say in mind and return that
nother way to open with a debate involves starting with a propositionmany people agree with in order to highlight the point(s) on which theyultimately disagree:
Way to start a debate is to go against the norm
Furthermore, opening with a summary of a debate can help you explore theissue you are writing about before declaring your own view.
Way of exploring an issue and giving more details before stating your view
How to make your own argument
Ways to start with a they say argument
Instead ofOpening with someone else’s views, you could start with an illustrativequotation, a revealing fact or statistic, or—as we do in this chapter—a
Ways to begin an essay
Modern English . . . is full of badhabits
I agree with this and I am probably one of those people who have these bad habits
Although we agree that you shouldn’t keep readers in suspense too longabout your central argument, we also believe that you need to present thatargument as part of some larger conversation,
Find a balance between taking to long to talk about your central argument and presenting your argument as part of a conversation.
The point is to give your readers a quick preview ofwhat is motivating your argument, not to drown them in details right away.
Details come later.
What we suggest, then, is that as soon as possible youstate your own position and the one it’s responding to together, and that youthink of the two as a unit.
Your position and the one it responds to should be in the same paragraph.
remember that you areentering a conversation and therefore need to start with “what others aresaying,” as the title of this chapter recommends, and then introduce yourown ideas as a response.
Topic paragraph should include what others say first, then your ideas
to keep an audience engaged, writers need to explain whatthey are responding to—either before offering that response or, at least, veryearly in the discussion.
The readers need to know what they are responding to early in the writing.
only what their thesis is but also what larger conversation that thesis isresponding to.
The thesis should have a thesis that relates to a broader conversation
For the truth isthat there are many very good reasons for giving up meat.
The truth is the main word that stands out to me. Everyone wants the truth, but there are more than one side that decides the truth
his ability to enter complex, many-sided conversations has taken on aspecial urgency in today’s polarized red state / blue state America,
Politics in the United States
ltimately, this book invites you to become a criticalthinker who can enter the types of conversations described eloquently by thephilosopher Kenneth Burke in the following widely cited passage.
Goal, but needs to be taken in small increments in my opinion.
“They say that kids suing fast-foodcompanies for making them fat is a joke; but J say such lawsuits arejustified.”
Always multiple sides to an argument
but only suggest a way offormatting how you Say it.
It's supposed to be helpful, but does not have to be used.
In sum, then, while it is not plagiarism to recycleconventionally used formulas, it is a serious academic offense to take thesubstantive content from others’ texts without citing the authors and givingthem proper credit.
Must cite sources and give the authors credit to avoid plagiarism.
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At least two Senior High Schools and atleast one Junior High School must be built. MarengoStreet School must be reactivated to reduce thestudent-teacher load at Murchison Street School.
Schools will no longer be overcrowded and students will get more attention.
Textbooks and curriculum will be developed to showMexican and Mexican-American
Textbooks that show real history of the Mexican American
Community parents will be engaged as teacher'saides. Orientation
The community is getting involved
Any teacher having a particularlyhigh percentage of the total school dropouts in hisclasses shall be rated by the Citizens
responsibility for failure is placed on poor teaching rather than the race of the student
Mexican-Americanstudents. This program will be open to all otherstudents on a voluntary basis.
The new educational system caters towards the people of color now
o student or teacher will be reprimanded orsuspended for participating in any efforts which areexecuted for the purpose of improving or furtheringthe educational quality in our schools.
The bettering of the school is now extremely prioritized
"disturbing the peace," thefocus shifted dramatically to legal defenseof those being prosecuted rather thanfighting for equal education.
equal education AND equality in the justice system
nfortunately these demands fell to thewayside along with the public's attention
Momentum with the movement died quickly
articulated their needs andinjustices through the EICC in a list of 39demands presented to the Los AngelesBoard of Education.
They made an organized plan and presented it to fight to change
formedthe core of the Educational IssuesCoordinating Committee (EICC), whichserved as a voicebox for the fight forequal student rights in the aftermath ofthe walkouts
A committee was now formed to advocate for the students
Mexican Americanstudents continued to trail behind in theclassro
They began to try to make changes but it did not really work
Prejudice from teachers andadministrators, both liberally-minded andoutright bigoted, instigated stereotypes ofMexican Americans that discouraged thestudents from higher learning.
Race played a large part in the lack of educational achievement
60%high school dropout rate. If they didgraduate, they averaged an 8th-gradereading level.
Education Crisis
New high schools in the area must be immediatelybuilt.
They are asking for a lot in this article.
chool facilities should be made available forcommunity activities under the supervision of Parents'Councils (not PTA). Recreation programs for childrenwill be developed.
I agree with this statement
tudent menus should be Mexican oriented. WhenMexican food is served, mother from the barriosshould come to the school and help supervise thepreparation of the food.
Mexican culture everywhere, even in the school lunches
to show the injustices that Mexicanshave suffered as a culture of that society.
Similar to what the African Americans want
No student or teacher will be reprimanded orsuspended for participating in any efforts which areexecuted for the purpose of improving or furtheringthe educational quality in our schools.
No punishment for trying to improve the quality of schools
see how theyfit in with contemporary educationalneeds:
Solutions to each problem on education.
If the walkouts weren't entirely successful,they certainly empowered and unified theEast LA. community under a just cause,while awakening the politicalconsciousness of Chicano youth.
The walkout didn't entirely succeed, but they did get attention from the Chicano youth.
agree with 99% ofstudent demands, yet not follow throughciting lack of funding.
Agreed with the students, and didn't do anything to help them.
improvements to school buildings,facilities and the Industrial Arts Program --designed seemingly to funnel MexicanAmericans to low-paying jobs, whichrequired less critical thinking andcommunication skills.
Used Mexican Americans to build schools that didn't require that much intelligence
academic changes to theLAUSD curricula and source material inorder to reflect Mexican American historyand culture.
Another similarity to Massive Resistance in a Small Town
Educational IssuesCoordinating Committee (EICC),
Seems similar to the NAACP
Meanwhile, adeveloping iconography of cultural prideand beauty was empowering Chicanoswith art and murals throughout East LosAngeles communities.
Their culture was giving them a power
Mexican Americanstudents continued to trail behind in theclassroom.
Similar scenario to black people at this time
Prejudice from teachers andadministrators, both liberally-minded andoutright bigoted, instigated stereotypes ofMexican Americans that discouraged thestudents from higher learning.
Reasoning for the statistic above
1967 Mexican American studentsthroughout the Southwest held a 60%high school dropout rate.
That's an unbelievable statistic that shows how poor the education system was for minors.
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hat museum has been the healing ground for me,” Carrington says. She’s learned forthe first time how white families were impacted, befriended a former academy teacher,and done a lot of praying to help get over her anxieties and anger. “I have come so far,”she says. “I’ve surprised myself.
Not just an African Museum, but it shows how everyone was effected because of these times
nd the common attitude was “never talk about it again,” Ward says. Many who wereinvolved in the strike and subsequent activism never told their children about it. Foryears, there was a pervasive lack of trust between black and white residents, as well astension between white families who sent their children to the academy and those whosent their kids to public schools
Trying to forget everything about this era.
two Negroes on the six-memberschool board.
Signs of diversity in the town
But she found herself hating school, shesays, probably because she was out of practice being a student
Effects of being out of school for so long
early all the students were black, and the private academycontinued to operate.
Balance of public and private schools
the schools opened in the fall of 1963 in leased public school buildings,with abundant supplies and teachers from across the country.
Resources for all students, no matter the race
Some were arrested for demonstrating without a permit, somefor singing on the steps of the white Farmville Baptist Church. But several businessesbegan hiring black workers
Starting to see a change
When the Foundationtried to buy the empty public school buildings for the private school, all but one of theschool board members resigned and released a statement in favor of public education.
In favor of public education, but still weren't a fan of integrating schools
$250 tuition and bus fee foreach student, there was no way her parents could afford it
Ways to avoid blacks from attending school
The General Assembly also passed a bill that allowed countyresidents to deduct up to 25 percent of their property taxes if they contributed to aprivate school.
Helping the whites out
“Going to school in churchbasements wasn’t fun,”
Lack of resources
We didn’t have schoolbooks to read. Mymother was not very educated but she was very intelligent. She taught us the best shecould.
Lack of resources Even if the mother was smart, she can't give you the same education as an actual teacher can.
The Virginia Teachers Association also sponsorededucational programs, and volunteers from as far away as New England came to tutorand work with the students
Finding ways to succeed
The school closings didn’t just affect children’s education—they changed families.
Effect of the school closings in the area
he Negro plaintiffs had, after all, won the case.”
Recognition that the African Americans won
he schools that had closed started integrating. And, in May, the FourthCircuit overturned the district judge’s ruling and ordered Prince Edward to integrate itsschools by that fall
Finally the federal courts step in
hich gave the governor the power to close any school that integrated andstipulated that school districts that integrated would lose state funding.
Governer of VA given the power to close schools, always finding loopholes
close the public schools should they be ordered to desegregate.
Close schools to avoid integration
We submit thatVirginia has not abandoned public education; the Supreme Court has abolished it
It's the supreme courts fault that VA is abandoning public education
is the most seriousblow that has yet been struck against the rights of the states in a matter vitally affectingtheir authority and welfare. .. . In Virginia now we are facing a crisis of the firstmagnitude.”
Racist statement saying that integration is a blow to Virginia and it is the cause of a crisis
However, supplies such as books and scienceequipment were still scarce.
Black schools still didn't have the same materials as white schools
The NAACP expected this ruling and continued preparation for an appeal tothe Supreme Court.
They already knew what the ruling of the court in VA would be
A few acts of intimidation went beyond the “civilized” code. On Sunday, May 6, someoneburned a cross in the Moton schoolyard. The Ku Klux Klan was not active in the area,however, and most people—black and white—agreed it was the action of a few. Griffinreceived death threats, and a crude homemade bomb fizzled on the steps of his house.The Johns family began to fear for Barbara’s safety after receiving several threats againsther. They sent her to live with her uncle Vernon in Montgomery, Alabama, and finish highschool there.
Violent acts are now being prformed
therblack families began to have problems with their credit too.
Another way to affect the lives of African Americans.
So white leaders asserted their power through “official” channels. The school board firedMoton’s principal and a teacher who was aunt to a student and whose husband was anNAACP member. They also fired Moton teacher Vera Allen, whose daughter Edwilda wasinvolved in the strike. Eventually, the county abolished John Lancaster’s job as Negrocounty farm agent, ostensibly because of his support of the strike and his efforts as theMoton PTA president to build a new school.
Firing everyone that supported the strike was the reaction of whites
Anybody who won’t fight against racial prejudice is not a man.”
Definitely used to motivate people to join the fight.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
To strike until they got what they wanted. Moststudents were on board immediately. That afternoon they stayed on the school grounds,carrying placards with demands such as “We are tired of tar paper shacks—we want anew school.”
A great way to get what they deserve
Classes also met in several tar-paper shacks,which county officials had constructed instead of a new school.
No help to these all-black schools
School supplies were secondhand and spread thin, and more than 450students were packed into a facility originally built for 180.
Differences between the white and black schools
Since it opened in 2001, it has hosted events and discussions about the civil rights era.
Helping people understand History and the Civil Rights Movement.
Prince Edward County refused to integrate andlocked its doors.
The length Virginia would go to not integrate schools
constructed in 1939 to house an all-black highschool, reminds them of an era they’d rather forget.
Seems like a community where each race respects each other if they want to forget the era of all0black high schools
Near thecenter of town stands a bronze Confederate soldier, a monument to Civil War veterans.Up the hill on the edge of town, past historic storefronts and churches, past LongwoodCollege, sits the Robert Russa Moton Museum, Virginia’s only National Historic Landmarkof the civil rights movement.
Crazy how they have a confederate soldier and a landmark of the civil rights movement in the same place
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A mixed school withpoor and unsympathetic teachers,with hostile public opinion, and noteaching of truth concerning blackfolk, is bad
No use in having mixed schools if the education is poor
I came toAtlanta University to teach history in1897, without the slightest idea frommy Harvard tuition, that Negroesever had any history!
A Harvard graduate doesn't even know about African American history.
but there isno doubt but what the tremendouspsychic history of the American andWest Indian groups has made it possi-ble for the present generation to ac-cumulate a wealth of material which,with encouragement and training,could find expression in the drama, incolor and form, and in music. Andno where could this training betterbe pursued than in separate Negroschools under competent and intelli-gent teachers?
Another example of protecting and understanding the African American Culture
A disease or physical abnormality present from birth. Unbelievable that they think of their race as a disease.
Beyond this, Negro colleges oughtto be studying anthropology, psychol-ogy, and the social sciences, from thepoint of view of the colored races.
Focusing on their race
They ought to studyintelligently and from their own pointof view, the slave trade, slavery,emancipation, Reconstruction, andpresent economic development.
African American History
Negroesmust know the history of the Negrorace in America, and this they willseldom get in white institutions
African Americans should learn the history of generations before them
merican Negroes have, be-cause of their history, group experi-ences and memories, a distinct entity,whose spirit and reactions demand acertain type of education for its de-velopment
Basing what type of education they deserve based on their past.
I have be-come curiously convinced that untilAmerican Negroes believe in their ownpower and ability, they are going tobe helpless before the white world
Restating the same claim about how American Negroes need to believe in their abilities.
Conceive a Negro teachingin a Southern school the econhicswhich he learned at the Harvard Busi-ness School! Conceive a Negro teacherof history retailing to his black stu-dents the sort of history that is taughtat the University of Chicago!
Highly educated teachers means high development for their children
Howard, Fisk, and Atlanta arenaturally unable to do the type andgrade of graduate work which is doneat Columbia, Chicago, and Harvard
HBCUs vs IVY leagues and Chicago, another highly respected college.
There can be nodoubt that if the Supreme Court wereoverwhelmed with cases where theblatant and impudent discriminationagainst Negro education is openlyacknowledged, it would be compelledto hand down decisions which wouldmake this discrimination impossibl&
Supreme court needs to have cases for them to change a law.
Today, when the rJegro publicschool system gets from half to one-tenth of the amount of money spenton white schools, and is often conse-quently poorly run and poorly taught
Less money means worse education in this case
bygiving Negro teachers decent wages,decent schoolhouses and equipment,and reasonable chances for advance-ment
Teachers need to have the same support as the students. Students can't learn if the teacher isn't there or doesn't want to be there.
just so longthe main problem of Negro educationwill not be segregation but self-knowl-edge and self-respect
They need to believe in themselves, because that is the main problem
If the American Negro reallybelieved in himself; if he believed thatNegro teachers can educate childrenaccording to the best standards ofmodern training; if he believed thatNegro colleges transmit and add toscience, as well as or better than othercolleges, then he would bend his ener-gies, not to escaping inescapable as-sociation with his own group, but toseeing that his group had every op-portunity for its best and highest de-velopment
Motivation for African Americans everywhere
We shall get a finer, better bal-ance of spirit; an infinitely more ca-pable and rounded personality by put-ting children in schools where theyare wanted, and where they are happyand inspired, than in thrusting therhinto hells where they are ridiculed andhated.
Segregation of schools might actually be beneficial.
I nother cases, the result of the experi-ment may be complete ruin of char-acter, gift, and ability and ingrainedhatred of schools and men
Child going to a white school can help a cause, abut it could also hurt the child and the black community
t is difficult to think of any-thing more important for the develop-ment of a people than proper trainingfor their children
I'm not a parent and I don't have kids, but i know my parents wanted me to have the best education possible.
but as long asAmerican Negroes believe that theirrace is constitutionally and perma-nently inferior to white people, theynecessarily disbelieve in every possi-ble Negro Institution
Way to motivate African Americans to promote change.
The otherreason is at bottom an utter lack offaith on the part of Negroes that theirrace can do anything really well
Kind of shocked that Du Bois would say that, unless he is trying to make the African Americans upset.
they refuse to work for their adequatesupport; and they refuse to join pub-lic movements to increase their effi-ciency
The teachers are not trying to be effective in teaching the kids either
To endure bad schools and wrongeducation because the schools are"mixed" is a costly if not fatal mis-take.
Huge mistake to not have a good education because they go to a mixed school
In that case, a firmand intelligent appeal to public opin-ion would eventually settle the mat-ter. But the futile attempt to compeleven by law a group to do what it isdetermined not to do, is a silly wasteof money, time, and temper
Counter argument
We have got to accept Negroschools. Any agitation and actionaimed at compelling a rich and power-ful majority of the citizens to do whatthey will not do, is useless. On theother hand, we have a right and aduty to assure ourselves of the truthconcerning this attitude; by carefulconferences, by public meetings andby petitions, we should convince our-selves whether this demand for sepa-rate schools is merely the agitation ofa prejudiced minority, or the con-sidered and final judgment of thetown
His argument "I say"
Under such circumstances, there isno room for argument as to whetherthe Negro needs separate school$ ornot. The plain fact faces us, thateither he will have separate schoolsor he will not be educated.
The only way for African Americans to receive an education is to enroll in only black schools.
And in the same way, there aremany public school systems in theNorth where Negroes are admittedand tolerated, but they are not edu-cated; they are crucified
Even if African Americans can be in the white schools, they are not educated and are punished for it.
I am no fool; and Iknow that race prejudice in the Uni-ted States today is such that mostNegroes cannot receive proper edu
The last word is education. Du Bois obviously notices this problem in the US
just solong we shall lack in America thatsort of public education which willcreate the intelligent basis of a realdemocracy
The lack of public schools creates an unfair democracy
to try to deceive ourselves into think-ing that race prejudice in the UnitedStates across the Color Line is gradu-ally softening and that slowly butsurely we are coming to the timewhen racial animosities and classlines will be so obliterated that sepa-rate schools will be anachronisms
People are believing that racism is getting better per say, but it's a fallacy