- Oct 2023
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are historic homes that are crumblingas FDOT finalizes its plans
Historic homes being destroyed because of FDOT
little knowledge of the geo-graphic locations of East Tampa neighborhoods and dismissedquestions about environmental and social impacts
No care for minor communities
costly, inefficient, and irre-sponsible use of taxpayer dollars.
reasons for arguing the TBX
displacement oflow and moderate-income residents, particularly those livingin historically Black neighborhoods near downtown
Forced them to move and adapt
decimating low-incomeand minority communities while providing access from citiesto White suburban areas
providing access to wealthy communities, and destroying poor communities
Indeed, highway construction dislocated more familiesand destroyed more buildings than any other redevelopmentproject
destroyed communities by creating highways
poor Black people in urban America
cost of housing too high for black people, led to a housing crisis
Housing Actof 1949, which provided unprecedented capital for urbanredevelopment projects, loans to energize the housing indus-try, and construction of public housing projects.
Started urban redevelopment projects
While Black urban enclaves within cities of-fered opportunities for work, education, and possibly a “senseof security from hostile whites
Urban communities are mad because they are close to employment and a sense of security from whites. This happens now but is more common in history.
those struggles are informed byresidents’ experiences with and memories of spatial practicesthat have marginalized or destroyed communities that weremeaningful to Black resident
Infrastructure has destroyed things meaningful to the black culture
urban change
urban change causes black neighborhoods to migrate
JimCrow laws forced Black residents to live in certain sections
History, led to separation of communities
race and space are characterized by inequal-ity and difference
inequality in communities
ontinuously invented and reinvented through relation-ships and interactions between individuals and groups
Relationships cause changes between groups of people
race and space is that bothare historical and fluid
always changing
esidents of Black and low-income communitiesare more likely to suffer from environmental degradation
Low income communities are more likely to have depletion of resources because of highways
TampaHeights and East Tampa also explores racialized and contestedstruggles over federal and state plans that will drastically af-fect residents’ relationships to community spaces.
Study between the 2 studies shows how different communities are effected.
both race and space are characterized by manyforms of conflict and struggle over the natural and builtenvironment.
oncepts of race andspace share very similar characteristics
Race and space have similar characteristics
engage-ment with racial studies by critical geographers has fosteredan understanding of the ways that “space works to conditionthe operation of power and the constitution of relationalidentities.
Studies about race have contributed to understanding the ways of other cultures and races
nthropology of space and place contributes to criticalspatial studies with a wealth of ethnographic scholarship onthe cultural production of space
Focus on cultural production of space, is that what they mean?
racialized social hierarchies, thus facilitating dominationand exploitation.
We also talked about that in Traditions and Revolutions
a political process of ascribing ethnic or racial identities to a relationship, social practice, or group
lived experience of racehas a spatial dimension, and the lived experience of space hasa racial dimension
2 dimensions to the living experience, but what do they mean
lack women at the center ofstruggles for spatial justice
More specific in the fact that black women are struggling
mobilization in Black communities
Black communities seem to be moving, possible because of urban development
community histories.
Research of the history is a part of the protests
Black Ninth Ward
organization in New Orleans
a person who studies of human societies and cultures and their development.
urban residents are engagedin similar struggles against highway expansion projects
Not just in Tampa
Many families who havelived in East Tampa for several generations moved there dueto urban renewal, which demolished housing in other Blackneighborhood
People moved there because of new housing in other communities that destroyed the housing of the black neighborhoods
predominantly Black, multi-neighborhoodEast Tampa area
East Tampa- Minority communities
this had occurred in Tampafrom the 1950s through the 1970
History of the same thing happening
highway expansion initiativeshave disproportionately affected areas of the city that houselarge numbers of ethnic minority residents,
Highway expansion effects ethnic minority residents by tearing down important cultural institutions.
Young-Green was not only asserting her placeas a community leader but also as someone who could speakto the racialized history of highway expansion.
African American speaker who lives in Tampa Heights and speaks about race and the history of highway expansion
destroy cherished public and privatespaces without regard for the significance of these placesand spaces to people in the community.
reason for protesting the TBX project
White audience wereresidents of Tampa Heights
Tampa Heights=predominantly white
impactof the plan on the economy and residents of the surroundingneighborhoods
Impacts the economy and residents in surrounding neighborhood, but how?
Speakers addressed issues related tothe history and impact of previous highway construction,
Obviously there was an effect on communities in previous instances, but what are the effects?
Disruption and displacement are just two of the crucialissues facing residents
Disruption- pulling everything apart Displacement- adapting our people, resources, values and processes
communitiesmay suffer from other effects because of past, current, andproposed urban projects
May seem like a good idea to implement the TPX project, past projects have effected communities in the past
They had even or-ganized and participated in public protests against the projectcalled Tampa Bay Express
Residents of Tampa Heights already protested against other highway expansion plans
from other communities who would also be affectedby the expansion plans
More than one community effected
Florida Department of Transportation- had plans to have the expressway expansion to improve the infrastructure.
community pushbackto proposals for infrastructural improvements
Do the black communities not want infrastructural improvements in their communities?
Key words:
Most important words, should highlight these points with the following words.
intersection of race, space, and resistance as we revisit the legacies and contemporary implicationsof urban development policies in historically Black communitie
Shows what the article is about, which is the urban development and history of the black communities
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Key words
Important words to recognize in the article
community pushback to proposals for infrastructural improvements
Does the community not want improvements to their community?
intersection of race, space, and resistance as we revisit the legacies and contemporary implications of urban development policies in historically Black communities.
Talks about the history of development in black communities
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Tons of sources
Effective trauma-informed services are services notjust designed to treat symptoms or syndromes related tosignificant sexual, physical, or emotional abuse; they areservices where staff are aware of, and sensitive to, doingno further harm to survivors
conclusion paragraph, topic sentence sounds like a thesis
Trauma symptoms arising from past violence, and theabsence of perceived safe and supportive inpatient envi-ronments, creates obstacles to effective treatment andcare for consumers of mental health services
restatement of intro
The most effective staff orientation and ongoingstaff development programmes included active learningopportunities of topics, such as substance abuse andtrauma, therapeutic safety and boundaries, establishing,maintaining and terminating therapeutic relationships,de-escalation, strengths-focused care planning, andconsumer participation and empowerment
Best solution stated
To announce something
Results of a study
active leadershipsupport, role modelling, and engagement in trauma-informed principles; (ii) data collection (e.g. seclusionand restraint incidents); (iii) rigorous debriefing andprevention-focused analysis of events that do occur; (iv)trauma-informed education and skill development ofstaff; (v) use of a range of assessments (e.g. trauma, risk,and strengths identification) and tools to teach self-management of illness and emotional regulation; and (vi)involvement and inclusion of consumers at all levels ofcare
Every solution, going to be elaborated in later paragraphs
positive correlation
same idea as a positive relationship
identified six pivotal ingredients in eliminat-ing seclusion and restraint
number of solutions
Results are bolded and the header, making the reader interested to know them
pecifically identifiedpractices that could be utilized by mental health nurses inyouth and adult inpatient settings to promote trauma-informed care
shows what people are able to use these practices
literature search
from scholars
ey principlesof trauma-informed care
Multiple answers
Paradigm: a typical example or pattern of something; a model.
Starting to make a solution
92% of adults experiencing a major traumatic event willnot go on to develop post-traumatic stress disorder as aconsequen
Statistic from other sources
reinforces the link between childhood trauma and long-term negative health outcomes
Another reason to prove something
positive relationship
As one goes up, the other goes up as well
study inthe USA established an irrefutable link between the child-hood exposure to harsh experiences, such as physical andsexual abuse, and neglect, and exposure to domestic vio-lence and adverse health outcomes in adulthood
Statistics proven by a study
Well-connected neural pathways, neces-sary for the development of healthy, adaptive responsesto experiences and emotions, are diminished in childrenexposed to adverse environments compared to thoseexposed to more positive environments. The resultingimpairment in mood and behaviour regulation leads tosubsequent maturational difficulties, such as an inabilityto establish effective interpersonal relationships, regulateemotions, and learn from own and others’ experiences(Schore 2003)
Problem and result of the problem
(Bremner2002; Heim & Nemeroff 2002)
KP: In text citations
Is trauma-informed care solely about eliminatingseclusion and restraint, or are there other tangible practices nurses could utilize to effect better healthoutcomes for mental health clients, especially those with significant abuse histories?
KP: What the article answers, and it is a yes or no question, but there is more than one answer.
- Sep 2023
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Others worry that their ambivalencewill end up confusing readers who require decisive, clear-cut conclusions.
Being indecisive often confuses the reader
Byadmitting that the opposing argument has a point, Ungar bolsters hiscredibility,
Using the other argument increases credibility
us get beyond the kind of “is too” / “is not” exchanges that oftencharacterize the disputes of young children and the more polarized shoutingmatches of talk radio and TV.
More of a medium between completely agreeing and completely disagreeing
whenever you agree with one person’s view, youare likely disagreeing with someone else’s.
If you agree with someone, you disagree with others
as long as you can support a positiontaken by someone else without merely restating what was said, there is noreason to worry about being “unoriginal.”
Basically as long as you add something to the conversation, no reason to say your unoriginal.
your textcan usefully contribute to the conversation simply by pointing out unnoticedimplications or explaining something that needs to be better understood.
Add to the reasonings to help the reader understand more.
ou also needto do more than simply echo views you agree with.
Needs be more than restating what others already said
disagreements do not need to take the form of personal put-downs.
No need to insult when disagreeing.
ot wanting to be unpleasant, to hurt someone’s feelings, or tomake yourself vulnerable to being disagreed with in return
Reasons to not want to express disagreement
ou can also disagree by making what we call the “twist it” move, inwhich you agree with the evidence that someone else has presented butshow through a twist of logic that this evidence actually supports your own,contrary position.
Is this like using someone's own words against them?
disagree not with the position itself but with the assumption thatit is a new or stunning revelation.
I've never heard of that way, seems a lot more difficult than arguing the other side.
you also have to offer persuasive reasons why you disagree.
Explanation on why you disagree
Disagreeingcan also be the easiest way to generate an essay:
I think this is also the easiest way to write an essay
ost interesting interpretations tendto be those that agree, disagree, or both
What other ways are they talking about in the paragraph before?
readers cometo any text needing to learn fairly quickly where the writer stands,
The readers need to know your argument. What other ways to argue are there besides agree, disagree, or both
Still, you may object that these three basic ways of responding don’tcover all the options
I don't really know what they mean by this.
stating clearly whether you agree,disagree, or both,
Make sure your argument is clear.
he more complex and subtle yourargument is, and the more it departs from the conventional ways peoplethink,
The more complex, the more readers have to think
hen writers take too long to declare their position relative to viewsthey’ve summarized or quoted, readers get frustrated,
Get to the point so the reader doesn't have to wonder what you are arguing.
agreeing,disagreeing, or some combination of both.
Ways to respond
What these students come to realize is that goodarguments are based not on knowledge that only a special class of expertshas access to but on everyday habits of mind that can be isolated, identified,and used by almost anyone.
Arguments are not just based on research
they do not know enough about the topic at hand or because, they say, theysimply are not “smart enough.”
I find myself saying this sometimes too
“I say” stage,
Response stage
“Aquote by Shakespeare says.” Introductory phrases like these are bothredundant and misleading.
What not to do to introduce a quotation
readers need to see how you interpret the quotation,
Seeing what you think the meaning of the quote is
not all quotationsrequire the same amount of explanatory framing,
Different explanations for different quotes
framing creates a kind of hybridmix of Tannen’s words and those of the writer.
Balance between writer's quote and your words
Important to use a quotation for the essay we have to write
studentexplains the quotation while restating it in his own words, thereby making itclear that the quotation is being used purposefully instead of having beenstuck in simply to pad the essay or the works-cited list
Restating the quote in his own words makes it clear that there is a purpose for the quotation
academic communicationtends to be a competition for supremacy in which loftier values liketruth and consensus get lost.
Communication tends to be an argument for who is right, not what the truth is.
with the statement introducing it serving asthe top slice of bread and the explanation following it serving as the bottomslice.
How to adequately frame a quotation
Since this student fails to introduce the quotation adequately or explain whyhe finds it worth quoting, readers will have a hard time reconstructing whatTannen argued.
Failing to introduce a quotation means that readers will have a hard time understanding it.
“dangling” quotations
Quotations without an explanation
you need to build a framearound them in which you do that speaking for them.
Makes the quotes clear and their relevance known.
When you're deeply engaged inthe writing and revising process, there is usually a great deal of back-and-forth between your argument and any quotations you select.
Choosing the right quotations are difficult and will change throughout the writing process.
you need to have a sense ofwhat you want to do with them—that is, how they will support your text atthe particular point where you insert them.
The quote being used should have a specific place in the essay that supports your text.
what the quotation means,and how the quotation relates to your own text.
How to use a quotation in your academic writing
quotations are orphans: wordsthat have been taken from their original contexts and that need to beintegrated into their new textual surroundings.
They need an explanation around them.
Because the meaning of a quotation isobvious to them, many writers assume that this meaning will also be obvious
This shows that they should explain the meaning of the quote is so that the readers understand what the quote means too.
because theydon’t fully understand what they’ve quoted and therefore have troubleexplaining what the quotations mean.
Reasons for not quoting too much, because that could mean a lack of understanding of the quote.
Quoting someone else’s words gives atremendous amount of credibility to your summary and helps ensure that itis fair and accurate.
Using direct quotes gives more credibility because of its accuracy
Do you think the list format is appropriate for this argument? Why orwhy not?
Yes, because it is organized and it comes back to the same main idea
This will be very useful for writing my essays
To introduce a summary, use one of the signal verbs
Use signal words to introduce a summary
Though “he says” or “she believes” willsometimes be the most appropriate language for the occasion,
Use "he says" or "she believes" occasionally, but not too much
urge,” “emphasize,” and “complain about”
examples of better words to use rather than say
that writing is aboutplaying it safe and not making waves,
Not true
In some cases,“the says” may even drain the passion out of the ideas you’re summarizing.
Loses passion by using boring words/templates
avoid bland formulas like “she says” or“they believe.”
Boring and don't use them often
But in taking their position to itslogical conclusion,
Must have a logical conclusion
the satiric summary,
I don't think I'm ever going to use a satiric summary
eflecting not justthe source you are summarizing but your own perspective or take on it aswell.
Have your own view of the source your summarizing
riting a good summary means not just representing anauthor’s view accurately but doing so in a way that fits what you want to say,the larger point you want to make.
Summary needs to fit the large point you need to make
it has a clear,overarching goal:
Make sure your reasonings have a clear goal
Not all lists are bad, however. A list can be an excellent way to organizematerial
Beneficial for organizing or an outline
ist summaries,
Fail to focus the summaries to a claim
But writers often summarize a given author on oneissue even though their text actually focuses on another.
Focus on the same text
th toward Zinczenko’s own text and toward the secondparagraph, where the writer begins to establish her own argument.
First paragraph has own text and leads to her argument
If you want your essay to encompass all threetopics, you'll need to subordinate these three issues to one of Zinczenko’sgeneral claims and then make sure this general claim directly sets up yourown argument.
Similar to a five paragraph essay
you to temporarily adopt theworldview of another person, it does not mean ignoring your own viewaltogether.
Do not ignore your own views
Have some structure
t is extremely important that you go back to what those others have said,
Use what other people said, and repeat it in the essay
the closest cliché syndrome,
Summarized the wrong view the author actually expressed
ou are likely to produce summaries that are so obviously biased thatthey undermine your credibility with readers.
being too biased makes the article not as credible.
readers should not be able to tell whetheryou agree or disagree with the ideas you are summarizing.
Important to know for essays
To write a really good summary, you must be able to suspend your ownbeliefs for a time and put yourself in the shoes of someone else.
Way of trying to understand the other arguments
a summarymust at once be true
Cannot make false claims about the other argument
Lackingconfidence, perhaps, in their own ideas, these writers so overload their textswith summaries of others’ ideas that their own voice gets lost.
Find a balance between summarizing and your own ideas.
because they fear that devoting too much time to otherpeople’s ideas will take away from their own.
I thought Freire was doing the same thing in Pedagogy of the Oppresed
it is important to knowhow to summarize effectively what those other people say.
Important to understand what others are saying and summarize it
By reminding readers of the ideas you’re responding to, return sentencesensure that your text maintains a sense of mission and urgency from start tofinish.
Sense of meeting when repeating claims. Also gets stuck in the reader's head.
In other words, even when presenting your own claims, you should keepreturning to the motivating “they say.”
Keep the they say in mind and return that
it’s very important to continue to keep thoseideas in view. Readers won’t be able to follow your unfolding response,much less any complications you may offer, unless you keep remindingthem what claims you are responding to.
Just like Freire in Pedagogy of the Opressed
nother way to open with a debate involves starting with a propositionmany people agree with in order to highlight the point(s) on which theyultimately disagree:
Way to start a debate is to go against the norm
Furthermore, opening with a summary of a debate can help you explore theissue you are writing about before declaring your own view.
Way of exploring an issue and giving more details before stating your view
How to make your own argument
Ways to start with a they say argument
Instead ofOpening with someone else’s views, you could start with an illustrativequotation, a revealing fact or statistic, or—as we do in this chapter—a
Ways to begin an essay
Modern English . . . is full of badhabits
I agree with this and I am probably one of those people who have these bad habits
Although we agree that you shouldn’t keep readers in suspense too longabout your central argument, we also believe that you need to present thatargument as part of some larger conversation,
Find a balance between taking to long to talk about your central argument and presenting your argument as part of a conversation.
The point is to give your readers a quick preview ofwhat is motivating your argument, not to drown them in details right away.
Details come later.
What we suggest, then, is that as soon as possible youstate your own position and the one it’s responding to together, and that youthink of the two as a unit.
Your position and the one it responds to should be in the same paragraph.
remember that you areentering a conversation and therefore need to start with “what others aresaying,” as the title of this chapter recommends, and then introduce yourown ideas as a response.
Topic paragraph should include what others say first, then your ideas
to keep an audience engaged, writers need to explain whatthey are responding to—either before offering that response or, at least, veryearly in the discussion.
The readers need to know what they are responding to early in the writing.
only what their thesis is but also what larger conversation that thesis isresponding to.
The thesis should have a thesis that relates to a broader conversation
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It is forthis reason that when our schools areseparate, the control of the teachingforce, the expenditure of money, thechoice of textbooks, the discipline andother administrative matters of thissort ought, also, to come into ourhands, and be incessantly demandedand guarded.
Does this mean that schools are separate so they can control who gets what.
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Students will be allowed to have guest speakers toclub meetings. The only regulation should be to informthe club sponsor.
Completely agree, and I wonder why this isn't a normal thing.
Library facilities will be expanded in all East LosAngeles high schools.
I think libraries are an important part of education that isn't talked about enough.
New high schools in the area must be immediatelybuilt.
They are asking for a lot in this article.
No teacher will be dismissed or transferred because ofhis political views and/or philosophical disagreementswith administrators.
I don't know how well this is going to work, but this should be the case no matter what.
chool facilities should be made available forcommunity activities under the supervision of Parents'Councils (not PTA). Recreation programs for childrenwill be developed.
I agree with this statement
Any teacher having a particularlyhigh percentage of the total school dropouts in hisclasses shall be rated by the Citizens Review Boardcomposed of the Educational Issues Committee.
I disagree because it is also on the students to give their best.
Dress and grooming standards will be determined bya group of a) students and b) parents.
I assume this is talking about a dress code
Entrances to all buildings and restrooms should beaccessible to all students during schools hours.
I wonder what the point of this statement is?
Only area superintendents can suspend students
Completely disagree with this statement. Superintendents aren't in the schools with the students every day like the teachers are.
tudent menus should be Mexican oriented. WhenMexican food is served, mother from the barriosshould come to the school and help supervise thepreparation of the food.
Mexican culture everywhere, even in the school lunches
All administrators where schools have majority ofMexican-American descent shall be of Mexican-American descent.
Is it bad that I think this is now being unfair to white people or other races?
to show the injustices that Mexicanshave suffered as a culture of that society.
Similar to what the African Americans want
dministrators and teachers who show any form ofprejudice toward Mexican or Mexican-Americanstudents,
Punishment for prejudice towards Mexican Americans will be fired. I don't know if I agree with this, I think it should be a warning the first time.
Bilingual-Bi-cultural education will be compulsory forMexican-Americansdmthe;Los Angeles City SchoolSystem where there is a majority of Mexican-Americanstudents.
I'm assuming this is used so that people that are not Mexican Americans can learn about their culture.
No student or teacher will be reprimanded orsuspended for participating in any efforts which areexecuted for the purpose of improving or furtheringthe educational quality in our schools.
No punishment for trying to improve the quality of schools
see how theyfit in with contemporary educationalneeds:
Solutions to each problem on education.
If the walkouts weren't entirely successful,they certainly empowered and unified theEast LA. community under a just cause,while awakening the politicalconsciousness of Chicano youth.
The walkout didn't entirely succeed, but they did get attention from the Chicano youth.
agree with 99% ofstudent demands, yet not follow throughciting lack of funding.
Agreed with the students, and didn't do anything to help them.
improvements to school buildings,facilities and the Industrial Arts Program --designed seemingly to funnel MexicanAmericans to low-paying jobs, whichrequired less critical thinking andcommunication skills.
Used Mexican Americans to build schools that didn't require that much intelligence
academic changes to theLAUSD curricula and source material inorder to reflect Mexican American historyand culture.
Another similarity to Massive Resistance in a Small Town
Educational IssuesCoordinating Committee (EICC),
Seems similar to the NAACP
From March 1 to March 8 1968,approximately 15,000 students walked outof classes from Woodrow Wilson, Garfield,Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt,Belmont, Venice and Jefferson HighSchools,
Similar to the strike in Massive Resistance in a Small Town
Meanwhile, adeveloping iconography of cultural prideand beauty was empowering Chicanoswith art and murals throughout East LosAngeles communities.
Their culture was giving them a power
Mexican Americanstudents continued to trail behind in theclassroom.
Similar scenario to black people at this time
An American of Mexican origin or descent, especially a man or boy
Prejudice from teachers andadministrators, both liberally-minded andoutright bigoted, instigated stereotypes ofMexican Americans that discouraged thestudents from higher learning.
Reasoning for the statistic above
1967 Mexican American studentsthroughout the Southwest held a 60%high school dropout rate.
That's an unbelievable statistic that shows how poor the education system was for minors.
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hat museum has been the healing ground for me,” Carrington says. She’s learned forthe first time how white families were impacted, befriended a former academy teacher,and done a lot of praying to help get over her anxieties and anger. “I have come so far,”she says. “I’ve surprised myself.
Not just an African Museum, but it shows how everyone was effected because of these times
nd the common attitude was “never talk about it again,” Ward says. Many who wereinvolved in the strike and subsequent activism never told their children about it. Foryears, there was a pervasive lack of trust between black and white residents, as well astension between white families who sent their children to the academy and those whosent their kids to public schools
Trying to forget everything about this era.
two Negroes on the six-memberschool board.
Signs of diversity in the town
But she found herself hating school, shesays, probably because she was out of practice being a student
Effects of being out of school for so long
early all the students were black, and the private academycontinued to operate.
Balance of public and private schools
the schools opened in the fall of 1963 in leased public school buildings,with abundant supplies and teachers from across the country.
Resources for all students, no matter the race
Some were arrested for demonstrating without a permit, somefor singing on the steps of the white Farmville Baptist Church. But several businessesbegan hiring black workers
Starting to see a change
When the Foundationtried to buy the empty public school buildings for the private school, all but one of theschool board members resigned and released a statement in favor of public education.
In favor of public education, but still weren't a fan of integrating schools
“Blackpeople suffered much more, and because they were lower on the economic scale, theydidn’t have the ability that we did to recover from that. And that still shows in thiscommunity.”
Completely agree
$250 tuition and bus fee foreach student, there was no way her parents could afford it
Ways to avoid blacks from attending school
The General Assembly also passed a bill that allowed countyresidents to deduct up to 25 percent of their property taxes if they contributed to aprivate school.
Helping the whites out
“Going to school in churchbasements wasn’t fun,”
Lack of resources
We didn’t have schoolbooks to read. Mymother was not very educated but she was very intelligent. She taught us the best shecould.
Lack of resources Even if the mother was smart, she can't give you the same education as an actual teacher can.
The Virginia Teachers Association also sponsorededucational programs, and volunteers from as far away as New England came to tutorand work with the students
Finding ways to succeed
The school closings didn’t just affect children’s education—they changed families.
Effect of the school closings in the area