- Dec 2022
septentrio.uit.no septentrio.uit.no
need to focus on holistic approaches that experiment with novel and equitable forms of OA ensuring research quality and integrity, that addresses copyrights and intellectual property issues
I would suggest that future campaigns need to also focus on faculty and the researchers, and simplifying OA so that clear and correct messages about the true nature and benefits of OA ('Open in order to accelerate progress towards solving global challenges') are understood. More equitable forms of OA are absolutely needed but we must be careful that we don't alienate researchers even further.
commercial publishers
And it's not just commercial publshers but faculty and researchers too.
China, Latin America, India and several African countries contributing large quantities of OA articles.
And Indonesia
OA advocates have become savvier and more watchful of opponents’ moves towards commercial control of research mechanisms and business models that exclude authors on economic grounds.
Surely the growth of the internet, networking platforms and social media since BOAI has contributed largely to this?
septentrio.uit.no septentrio.uit.no
is typically assigned a DO
Are DOIs assigned to all articles, or are there some articles published without them?
citation counts and journal Impact Factors
How prominent is the use and influence of IFs in South Korea?
- Nov 2022
septentrio.uit.no septentrio.uit.no
So, what is a modest amount of datasets by South Korean standards?
septentrio.uit.no septentrio.uit.no267781
The future of scholarly publishing, in particular the growth of Open Access publishing and how it is financially sustained, is hotly debated. Many different models, advantages, and disadvantages are being discussed
I assume that this refers to the Global North (for want of a better term)? In Latin America, there is predominantly one model and that is fairly stable.
uit.cloud.panopto.eu uit.cloud.panopto.eu
book metrics are very different
Could you explain in what ways book metrics are different from journal citation metrics?
septentrio.uit.no septentrio.uit.no
trends of
Are there any examples of OSIs in Croatia having been privatised or commercialised?
trends of privatisation and commercialisation
What makes an OSI more prone to privatisation/commercialisation? E.g. can we say that an OSI with a national user base (the users are within one country) stands a lower risk of being privatised than an OSI with an international user base?
OS initiatives and infrastructures in some countries
Jadranka, could you give examples of such countries and the respective OS initiatives/infrastructures?
binary and designed according to wealthier countries/institutions
What are examples of such binary/discriminatory criteria?
septentrio.uit.no septentrio.uit.no
OA publishing platform
Does TU Delft have its own OA journal publishing platform that you would like to try this on? And if yes, have you started with experimenting on review workflows?
septentrio.uit.no septentrio.uit.no
ownership and responsibility of the data
Does TU Delft have an RDM policy at the moment?
septentrio.uit.no septentrio.uit.no
uit.cloud.panopto.eu uit.cloud.panopto.eu
rights retention language in their publications
What is your motivation for using resources on advocating for a practice that has no legal effect?
uit.cloud.panopto.eu uit.cloud.panopto.eu
Public Knowledge Project. OJS - Open Journal Systems. OMP - Open Monograph Press.