13 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2015
    1. Based on curation of this article, CTD states that:

      • resveratrol has known or potential therapeutic role in peritonitis
      • an inferred role in peritonitis based on gene C5
  2. Jun 2015
    1. The active transcription factor bound to the consensus sequence was incubated with a specific primary antibody (NF-κB p65) a

      Interesting that with the problems reported with NK-kB antibodies, the exact primary antibody is not mentioned here.

      Would like to be able to easily look up an article from Pub Med or Google Scholar and insert the link, as I did below.

    2. specific primary antibody (NF-κB p65)

      No information provided about antibody used here. Concerns about the specificity of many primary antibodies against NF-kB have been documented in:

      Herkenham et al. (2011) doi:10.1186/1742-2094-8-141.

      Slotta et al. 2014: doi:10.1369/0022155413515484

    3. mouse SphK1

      Would like to be able to perform a lookup from the Antibody Registry to see whether this antibody has an RRID. In this case, although not enough information was provided, it is likely that this antibody is: RRID:AB_2271047, as it is the only mouse antibody in Santa Cruz' catalog against this protein. But that is really insufficient information. So perhaps we would we able to open up a channel with the author to ask them to provide more information.

      Would like to be able to automatically insert the link and some language around it, if an RRID is available. See annotation below.

    4. mouse p-p44/42

      This antibody may have RRID:AB_627545 but information may not be accurate as insufficient metadata was provided.

    5. mouse SphK1

      This antibody may have RRID:AB_2271047 but information may not be accurate as insufficient metadata was provided.

    6. resveratrol

      Or could embed the NIF navigator within H:

      NIF has the following type of information available about Resveratrol:

      • Annotation(45,733)
      • Brain Activation Foci(552)
      • Clinical Trials(190)
      • Dataset(114)
      • Disease(1,243,446)
      • Drugs(637,343)
      • Expression(200,724)
      • Grants(444)
      • Images(31)
      • Microarray(200,765)
      • Multimedia(37)
      • Phenotype(8)
    7. resveratrol

      More information on resveratrol can be found at:

      1. CTD
    8. Taken together, this study provides novel insights into the modes of action of RSV by establishing its strong inhibitory effect on SphK1 and PLD activities, as well as ERK1/2 phosphorylation.

      I'm not an expert, so I am taking them at their word. The interesting this is how CTD took the results of this paper and inferred that there was a link between a drug and a disease. It involves a chain of reasoning that says, as best as I can tell in this short exercise: This study shows an effect RSV on pathways involved in C5-induced inflammation, a mouse model of acute peritonitis. Various drugs interact with C5, therefore they are inferred to have an effect on peritonitis. I have to do some more digging, but this will be a challenge to model in an annotation.

    9. rabbit monoclonal SphK1 primary Abs

      The Antibody Registry lists at least 11 antibodies from different vendors that have this description, so could not assign an RRID

    10. goat-polyclonal PLD1 (Santa Cruz Biotechnologies)

      The Antibody Registry currently lists at least 5 different antibodies meeting this description, so cannot annotate to an RRID.

    11. Taken together, these data demonstrate the ability of RSV to block C5a-induced acute inflammatory response.

      Claim 1

    12. According to the NIF annotation database, the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database has annotated this article with 54 chemical-gene associations. I'm going to try to track them down.