2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2015 Jun 16, thomas samaras commented:

      There's lots of evidence indicating that shorter, lighter people live longer. Throughout most of the world,shorter women live longer than taller men. In animals where the female is larger than the male, the female has a mortality rate. When I compared American males and females, I found that males were 9% taller and had a 9% shorter life expectancy.

      Chan, Suzuki and Yamamoto studied Okinawan centenarians and found they were short and lean. Other centenarians studies have found similar results, including those adjusted for shrinkage with age.

      In addition, US government mortality data over the entire adult age range found that that Asians had the lowest mortality. Latinos and Native Americans had a higher mortality and Whites and Blacks had the highest mortality. Asians are the shortest ethnic group, followed by Latinos and Native Americans. Blacks and Whites are the tallest.

      Recent studies have found shorter people live longer. One was based on 8000 elderly Japanese-Hawaiian males tracked for over 40 years. Another involved men in a small village in Sardinia. The third one was a review of evidence from eight different types of studies. Many more papers are listed in www.humanbodysize.com

      The Director of the Aging and Longevity Research Laboratory at the University of Southern Illinois also published a review paper in Gerontology and concluded that smaller body size appears to be best for good health and longevity.

      These papers are listed below.

      He Q, Morris BJ, Grove JS, Petrovitch H, Ross W, Masaki KH, et al. Shorter men live longer: Association of height with longevity and FOXO3 genotype in American men of Japanese ancestry. Plos ONE 9(5): e94385. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0094385.

      Salaris L, Poulain M, Samaras TT. Height and survival at older ages among men born in an inland village in Sardinia (Italy), 1866-2006. Biodemography and Social Biology, 58:1, 1-13.

      Samaras TT. Evidence from eight different types of studies showing that smaller body size is related to greater longevity. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports. 2014: 3 (16): 2150-2160, 2014; article no. JSRR.2014.16.003.

      Bartke A. Healthy Aging: Is Smaller better? A mini-review. Gerontology 2012; 58:337-43.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2015 Jun 16, thomas samaras commented:

      There's lots of evidence indicating that shorter, lighter people live longer. Throughout most of the world,shorter women live longer than taller men. In animals where the female is larger than the male, the female has a mortality rate. When I compared American males and females, I found that males were 9% taller and had a 9% shorter life expectancy.

      Chan, Suzuki and Yamamoto studied Okinawan centenarians and found they were short and lean. Other centenarians studies have found similar results, including those adjusted for shrinkage with age.

      In addition, US government mortality data over the entire adult age range found that that Asians had the lowest mortality. Latinos and Native Americans had a higher mortality and Whites and Blacks had the highest mortality. Asians are the shortest ethnic group, followed by Latinos and Native Americans. Blacks and Whites are the tallest.

      Recent studies have found shorter people live longer. One was based on 8000 elderly Japanese-Hawaiian males tracked for over 40 years. Another involved men in a small village in Sardinia. The third one was a review of evidence from eight different types of studies. Many more papers are listed in www.humanbodysize.com

      The Director of the Aging and Longevity Research Laboratory at the University of Southern Illinois also published a review paper in Gerontology and concluded that smaller body size appears to be best for good health and longevity.

      These papers are listed below.

      He Q, Morris BJ, Grove JS, Petrovitch H, Ross W, Masaki KH, et al. Shorter men live longer: Association of height with longevity and FOXO3 genotype in American men of Japanese ancestry. Plos ONE 9(5): e94385. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0094385.

      Salaris L, Poulain M, Samaras TT. Height and survival at older ages among men born in an inland village in Sardinia (Italy), 1866-2006. Biodemography and Social Biology, 58:1, 1-13.

      Samaras TT. Evidence from eight different types of studies showing that smaller body size is related to greater longevity. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports. 2014: 3 (16): 2150-2160, 2014; article no. JSRR.2014.16.003.

      Bartke A. Healthy Aging: Is Smaller better? A mini-review. Gerontology 2012; 58:337-43.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.