2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2016 Jan 05, Morten Oksvold commented:

      Please note that this article contains fraudulent data, which was concluded from an investigation by the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2009 (!):


      The case was recently discussed at Retraction Watch: http://retractionwatch.com/2016/01/04/nature-retracts-paper-six-years-after-it-was-flagged-for-fraud/

      PNAS was informed about this case in 2009, but as far as I can see there has still not been published any retraction. In light of the fact that this single article has been cited more than 40 times since 2009, and all the wasted work and resources, correction of the literature is highly important.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2016 Jan 05, Morten Oksvold commented:

      Please note that this article contains fraudulent data, which was concluded from an investigation by the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2009 (!):


      The case was recently discussed at Retraction Watch: http://retractionwatch.com/2016/01/04/nature-retracts-paper-six-years-after-it-was-flagged-for-fraud/

      PNAS was informed about this case in 2009, but as far as I can see there has still not been published any retraction. In light of the fact that this single article has been cited more than 40 times since 2009, and all the wasted work and resources, correction of the literature is highly important.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.