2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2014 Dec 18, Claudia Paiva commented:

      Is it possible that the recurrency is overestimated because patients without recurrent events leave the hospital and are excluded from the study? 1334 cases were found and 127 chosen because they could be followed for long term... The rate of recurrency among high-tone controls is 11% (without vertigo) and 17% (without SN), while in the literature the total recurrency among SSNHL sufferers is approximately 2%.

      Alternatively, it could be due to a higher rate of recurrency in Japan, since no western studies were made concerning the recurrency rates among low tone hearing loss in western countries. Do you know any broad study in Japan that show the total recurrency rate of SSNHL in Japan and percentages of high x low tone hearing loss among total SSNHL?

      It is very important to define the rate of recurrency, so that the patient is aware of the possibility and plot a plan to face it with drs (in case it is high) or can live without the constant burden of "is it going to happen again?" in their heads (in case it is low).

      Anyway, these are just considerations made by a worried low tone SSNHL patient and a scientist from another field.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2014 Dec 18, Claudia Paiva commented:

      Is it possible that the recurrency is overestimated because patients without recurrent events leave the hospital and are excluded from the study? 1334 cases were found and 127 chosen because they could be followed for long term... The rate of recurrency among high-tone controls is 11% (without vertigo) and 17% (without SN), while in the literature the total recurrency among SSNHL sufferers is approximately 2%.

      Alternatively, it could be due to a higher rate of recurrency in Japan, since no western studies were made concerning the recurrency rates among low tone hearing loss in western countries. Do you know any broad study in Japan that show the total recurrency rate of SSNHL in Japan and percentages of high x low tone hearing loss among total SSNHL?

      It is very important to define the rate of recurrency, so that the patient is aware of the possibility and plot a plan to face it with drs (in case it is high) or can live without the constant burden of "is it going to happen again?" in their heads (in case it is low).

      Anyway, these are just considerations made by a worried low tone SSNHL patient and a scientist from another field.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.