2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2014 Oct 23, Khalid Hassan commented:

      One of my students did a similar study for her dissertation (currently in press). She found that the consumption of alchohol is the single biggest cause for car crashes in Turkey (35% of all crashes were associated with alcohol use). This finding is no suprise by itself and complements numerous previous studies. However, she did find a very interesting new correlation. Since her group uses anonymized data from insurance companies, they were able to test several hypothesis which were in coordance with car crashes caused by the consumption of alcohol. For example, she found that certain car brands are associated with a 75% increase in alcohol related car crashes. While this is most likely just correlational and not caused because these cars are harder to drive when under influence, she did find another correlation which might be very intruiging to study further.

      Because most of her data was provided by insurance companies, they were very detailed and trustable. For example, they included police reports were applicable. Because of this data they were able to establish wether the alcoholic user was the perpetrator of these crashes or wether (while driving under influence is technically illegal) were the culprit of these crashes. In the vast majority of cases the drivers under the influence of alcohol were indeed the perpetrator (85%). However she did a very intruiging finding when digging deeper in the data that was provided by insurance companies. The use of dashcams Wikipedia has gained a lot of popularity in Turkey in recent years. This is caused by multiple factors, one of which has to do with reduced insurance costs by car insurance companies. When my student corrected for the use of a dashcam, she found dat the pepetrator/culprit(85%/15%) ratio decreased significantly to 55/45%. Of course this is a very intruiging finding which can be caused be several factors. This is the first research to examine the use of a dashcam in relation to the amount of alcohol related car crashes. We're currently looking to see wether these results hold up in a bigger sample size. While this is the first study to find this correlation, there is a previous Dutch one (Website) which found that the use of a dashcam is associated with a reduction of the involvement in general car crashes of 34%. Incidentally, our study showed the same result in alcohol related crashes, but further study is now urgently needed.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2014 Oct 23, Khalid Hassan commented:

      One of my students did a similar study for her dissertation (currently in press). She found that the consumption of alchohol is the single biggest cause for car crashes in Turkey (35% of all crashes were associated with alcohol use). This finding is no suprise by itself and complements numerous previous studies. However, she did find a very interesting new correlation. Since her group uses anonymized data from insurance companies, they were able to test several hypothesis which were in coordance with car crashes caused by the consumption of alcohol. For example, she found that certain car brands are associated with a 75% increase in alcohol related car crashes. While this is most likely just correlational and not caused because these cars are harder to drive when under influence, she did find another correlation which might be very intruiging to study further.

      Because most of her data was provided by insurance companies, they were very detailed and trustable. For example, they included police reports were applicable. Because of this data they were able to establish wether the alcoholic user was the perpetrator of these crashes or wether (while driving under influence is technically illegal) were the culprit of these crashes. In the vast majority of cases the drivers under the influence of alcohol were indeed the perpetrator (85%). However she did a very intruiging finding when digging deeper in the data that was provided by insurance companies. The use of dashcams Wikipedia has gained a lot of popularity in Turkey in recent years. This is caused by multiple factors, one of which has to do with reduced insurance costs by car insurance companies. When my student corrected for the use of a dashcam, she found dat the pepetrator/culprit(85%/15%) ratio decreased significantly to 55/45%. Of course this is a very intruiging finding which can be caused be several factors. This is the first research to examine the use of a dashcam in relation to the amount of alcohol related car crashes. We're currently looking to see wether these results hold up in a bigger sample size. While this is the first study to find this correlation, there is a previous Dutch one (Website) which found that the use of a dashcam is associated with a reduction of the involvement in general car crashes of 34%. Incidentally, our study showed the same result in alcohol related crashes, but further study is now urgently needed.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.