2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2014 Feb 26, Preben Berthelsen commented:

      NEJM: Not a First Born but a Worthy Sibling. In “A Reader’s guide to 200 Years of the New England Journal of Medicine” by Allan M. Brandt it is postulated that NEJM “remains the longest continuously published medical periodical in the world”. This is not accurate. The Danish journal - BIBLIOTEK for LÆGER (A Library for Physicians) - has been published continuously since the first issue in 1809. The Danish medical periodical thus antedates the Journal by three years. In science, priority has always been an issue of great interest. With this letter I do not claim priority for Bibliotek for Læger as the oldest still existing medical journal. It is, however, quite likely the case. Today, the main focus of the journal is on medical history, culture, philosophy and scientific methodology. Published papers are in Danish with summaries in English.

      P.G.Berthelsen, MD. Charlottenlund, Denmark. Feb. 25, 2014

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2014 Feb 26, Preben Berthelsen commented:

      NEJM: Not a First Born but a Worthy Sibling. In “A Reader’s guide to 200 Years of the New England Journal of Medicine” by Allan M. Brandt it is postulated that NEJM “remains the longest continuously published medical periodical in the world”. This is not accurate. The Danish journal - BIBLIOTEK for LÆGER (A Library for Physicians) - has been published continuously since the first issue in 1809. The Danish medical periodical thus antedates the Journal by three years. In science, priority has always been an issue of great interest. With this letter I do not claim priority for Bibliotek for Læger as the oldest still existing medical journal. It is, however, quite likely the case. Today, the main focus of the journal is on medical history, culture, philosophy and scientific methodology. Published papers are in Danish with summaries in English.

      P.G.Berthelsen, MD. Charlottenlund, Denmark. Feb. 25, 2014

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.