2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2018 Jan 17, Fernando Castro-Chavez commented:

      My dear reader,

      The article that you have in front of you is an effort to develop square representations of the Genetic Code that are meaningful biologically, the basic findings were that the most used codons per amino acid (AA) and their hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) in humans: The first eight correspond to the codons that end in G; the amino acids that have only one codon correspond to this category: M: AUG and W: UGG; then we have the next twelve codons that end in C, and finally, we have the two most used codons that end in A, one corresponds to the stop (*) function: UGA; while the first most used codons in humans in their genome, in percent per averaged sequences of 1,000 nucleotides (1K) in length are: 1) L, Leu: CUG equally sharing its position with E, Glu: GAG; 2) G, Gly: GGC; M, Met: AUG; D and Asp: GAU; 3) P, Pro: CCC; L, Leu: CUC; S, Ser: AGC...


      Fernando Castro-Chavez From Baylor College of Medicine

      Zapotlán el Grande, Jalisco, MX


      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2018 Jan 17, Fernando Castro-Chavez commented:

      My dear reader,

      The article that you have in front of you is an effort to develop square representations of the Genetic Code that are meaningful biologically, the basic findings were that the most used codons per amino acid (AA) and their hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) in humans: The first eight correspond to the codons that end in G; the amino acids that have only one codon correspond to this category: M: AUG and W: UGG; then we have the next twelve codons that end in C, and finally, we have the two most used codons that end in A, one corresponds to the stop (*) function: UGA; while the first most used codons in humans in their genome, in percent per averaged sequences of 1,000 nucleotides (1K) in length are: 1) L, Leu: CUG equally sharing its position with E, Glu: GAG; 2) G, Gly: GGC; M, Met: AUG; D and Asp: GAU; 3) P, Pro: CCC; L, Leu: CUC; S, Ser: AGC...


      Fernando Castro-Chavez From Baylor College of Medicine

      Zapotlán el Grande, Jalisco, MX


      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.