2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2015 May 26, Paul Brookes commented:

      Portions of Figure 3 and Figure 8 from this paper appear more similar than would be expected by chance, when compared to portions of Figure 4 and Figure 5, from Zhao Z-Q, 2015 Eur J Pharmacol 746, 22–30, PMID: 25445044.

      Relevant information is available in the following two images... http://imgur.com/0DI1G78 http://imgur.com/u47Fdr8

      Usual disclaimers apply - i.e. go look for yourself at the originals and decide if they're similar, don't take my word for it, no implications about motives or underlying causes of this apparent similarity should be taken from this comment.

      That being said, the lead author has had two papers retracted for similar matters... http://retractionwatch.com/2015/05/26/heart-repair-study-retraction-marks-second-for-mercer-unviersity-researcher/

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2015 May 26, Paul Brookes commented:

      Portions of Figure 3 and Figure 8 from this paper appear more similar than would be expected by chance, when compared to portions of Figure 4 and Figure 5, from Zhao Z-Q, 2015 Eur J Pharmacol 746, 22–30, PMID: 25445044.

      Relevant information is available in the following two images... http://imgur.com/0DI1G78 http://imgur.com/u47Fdr8

      Usual disclaimers apply - i.e. go look for yourself at the originals and decide if they're similar, don't take my word for it, no implications about motives or underlying causes of this apparent similarity should be taken from this comment.

      That being said, the lead author has had two papers retracted for similar matters... http://retractionwatch.com/2015/05/26/heart-repair-study-retraction-marks-second-for-mercer-unviersity-researcher/

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.