2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2014 May 22, Swapnil Hiremath commented:

      This article was discussed on May 13th 2014 on the open online nephrology journal club, #NephJC, on twitter. The highlight of the chat was the active participation of Vlado Perkovic, one of the authors, who made many insightful comments.

      An introductory comment is available here. A storify'd version of the tweetchat is also available at the same link.

      On May 20th, there was a Google Hangout, between the NephJC editors and Dr Perkovic, which can be viewed on Youtube.

      The highlights of the tweetchat were: 1. The fact that novel effective therapies are urgently needed for progressive diabetic nephropathy 2. The ASCEND trial with Avosentan reported a higher incidence of adverse events with the drug - Previous research suggests that a low dose of 0.25 mg of Atrasentan is not effective; this study suggests that 1.25 mg may be too high, and 0.75 mg may be the optimum dose 3. Patients in this trial were carefully selected to minimize the risk of adverse events (heart failure) seen with previous studies of endothelin antagonists 4. This phase 2 trial is being followed by SONAR, a 4000 patient trial with hard endpoints

      Interested individuals can track and join in the conversation by following @NephJC or #NephJC, or visit the webpage at www.NephJC.com.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2014 May 22, Swapnil Hiremath commented:

      This article was discussed on May 13th 2014 on the open online nephrology journal club, #NephJC, on twitter. The highlight of the chat was the active participation of Vlado Perkovic, one of the authors, who made many insightful comments.

      An introductory comment is available here. A storify'd version of the tweetchat is also available at the same link.

      On May 20th, there was a Google Hangout, between the NephJC editors and Dr Perkovic, which can be viewed on Youtube.

      The highlights of the tweetchat were: 1. The fact that novel effective therapies are urgently needed for progressive diabetic nephropathy 2. The ASCEND trial with Avosentan reported a higher incidence of adverse events with the drug - Previous research suggests that a low dose of 0.25 mg of Atrasentan is not effective; this study suggests that 1.25 mg may be too high, and 0.75 mg may be the optimum dose 3. Patients in this trial were carefully selected to minimize the risk of adverse events (heart failure) seen with previous studies of endothelin antagonists 4. This phase 2 trial is being followed by SONAR, a 4000 patient trial with hard endpoints

      Interested individuals can track and join in the conversation by following @NephJC or #NephJC, or visit the webpage at www.NephJC.com.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.