2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2014 Nov 18, David Mage commented:

      PM10 and PM2.5 are not independent variables because PM10 = PM2.5 + (PM10 - PM2.5). One wonders 'would there be an improvement in fit if the Poisson general linear modeling used PM2.5 and (PM10 - PM2.5) instead of PM10 and PM2.5?'

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2014 Nov 18, David Mage commented:

      PM10 and PM2.5 are not independent variables because PM10 = PM2.5 + (PM10 - PM2.5). One wonders 'would there be an improvement in fit if the Poisson general linear modeling used PM2.5 and (PM10 - PM2.5) instead of PM10 and PM2.5?'

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.