2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2014 Jul 09, Ryan Radecki commented:

      Post-publication commentary:

      "Build a New EDIS, Advertise it in Annals for Free"

      As everyone who has switched from paper to electronic charting and ordering has witnessed, despite some improvements, many processes became greatly more inefficient. And – it doesn’t matter which Emergency Department information system you use. Each vendor has its own special liabilities. Standalone vendors have interoperability issues. Integrated systems appear to have been designed as an afterthought to the inpatient system. We have, begrudgingly, learned to tolerate our new electronic masters....


      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2014 Jul 09, Ryan Radecki commented:

      Post-publication commentary:

      "Build a New EDIS, Advertise it in Annals for Free"

      As everyone who has switched from paper to electronic charting and ordering has witnessed, despite some improvements, many processes became greatly more inefficient. And – it doesn’t matter which Emergency Department information system you use. Each vendor has its own special liabilities. Standalone vendors have interoperability issues. Integrated systems appear to have been designed as an afterthought to the inpatient system. We have, begrudgingly, learned to tolerate our new electronic masters....


      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.