2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2015 Jan 01, Prashant Sharma, MD, DM commented:

      The most interesting part of this case was realizing that co-inheritance of an alpha as-well-as a beta globin chain variant results in three abnormal hemoglobins on HPLC. One each corresponds to the variants as they combine with the corresponding normal chains (i.e. abnormal alpha with normal beta, normal alpha with abnormal beta), and a third when they combine with each other (abnormal alpha with abnormal beta).

      The other learning point was that abnormal alpha globin chains will result in not just a variant adult (A0) hemoglobin, but also a tiny peak of a variant HbA2 as they will combine with normal delta chains. This little spike is useful in hinting towards the fact that we are dealing with an alpha chain variant.

      Would be happy to share the full paper with anyone who requires it for personal reading.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2015 Jan 01, Prashant Sharma, MD, DM commented:

      The most interesting part of this case was realizing that co-inheritance of an alpha as-well-as a beta globin chain variant results in three abnormal hemoglobins on HPLC. One each corresponds to the variants as they combine with the corresponding normal chains (i.e. abnormal alpha with normal beta, normal alpha with abnormal beta), and a third when they combine with each other (abnormal alpha with abnormal beta).

      The other learning point was that abnormal alpha globin chains will result in not just a variant adult (A0) hemoglobin, but also a tiny peak of a variant HbA2 as they will combine with normal delta chains. This little spike is useful in hinting towards the fact that we are dealing with an alpha chain variant.

      Would be happy to share the full paper with anyone who requires it for personal reading.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.