2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2015 Feb 27, George McNamara commented:

      This is also available as a blog with Michael's videos on the blog page, and links to Canti's 3 videos


      Video 3 link goes to http://search.wellcomelibrary.org/iii/encore/record/C__Rb2102100?lang=eng#attachedMediaSection and then click on the "download entire title" link (above the static image) or go directly to http://film.wellcome.ac.uk:15151/0055-0000-7566-0000-0-0000-0000-0.mp4

      You may also enjoy the classic David Rogers video, digitized by Tom Stossel and colleagues, posted in several places on the internet, including,


      http://php.med.unsw.edu.au/cellbiology/index.php?title=File:Neutrophil_Rogers1950s.flv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0FELIKQHsw http://www.neatorama.com/2010/01/21/video-white-blood-cell-hunting-slaying-bacterium

      http://works.bepress.com/gmcnamara/5/ ... page has references, this is the MetaMorph STK file version, can be opened in MetaMorph, Fiji ImageJ, and some (not all) other scientific imaging programs.

      http://works.bepress.com/gmcnamara/18/ ... "The Chase" (named by Mary David), this is the bigger, better, version from 2012, won ASCB video contest honorable mention. Back story and technical details available in my articles at https://mdc.custhelp.com/euf/assets/content/MetaMatters vol 2iss3.pdf https://mdc.custhelp.com/euf/assets/content/MetaMatters vol 2iss4.pdf https://mdc.custhelp.com/euf/assets/content/MetaMatters vol 2iss5.pdf https://mdc.custhelp.com/euf/assets/content/MetaMatters vol 2iss6.pdf

      As a former Dictyostelium discoidium researcher I also want to give credit to Dr. Arthur Arndt, 1937 movies of the developmental cycle of Dicty, see

      http://jeb.biologists.org/content/81/1/33.full.pdf http://www.filmarchives-online.eu/viewDetailForm?FilmworkID=358af36868fa2a8548b03bb2c2cbbf2a

      or simply search the Internet for: arthur arndt dictyostelium movie

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2015 Feb 27, George McNamara commented:

      This is also available as a blog with Michael's videos on the blog page, and links to Canti's 3 videos


      Video 3 link goes to http://search.wellcomelibrary.org/iii/encore/record/C__Rb2102100?lang=eng#attachedMediaSection and then click on the "download entire title" link (above the static image) or go directly to http://film.wellcome.ac.uk:15151/0055-0000-7566-0000-0-0000-0000-0.mp4

      You may also enjoy the classic David Rogers video, digitized by Tom Stossel and colleagues, posted in several places on the internet, including,


      http://php.med.unsw.edu.au/cellbiology/index.php?title=File:Neutrophil_Rogers1950s.flv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0FELIKQHsw http://www.neatorama.com/2010/01/21/video-white-blood-cell-hunting-slaying-bacterium

      http://works.bepress.com/gmcnamara/5/ ... page has references, this is the MetaMorph STK file version, can be opened in MetaMorph, Fiji ImageJ, and some (not all) other scientific imaging programs.

      http://works.bepress.com/gmcnamara/18/ ... "The Chase" (named by Mary David), this is the bigger, better, version from 2012, won ASCB video contest honorable mention. Back story and technical details available in my articles at https://mdc.custhelp.com/euf/assets/content/MetaMatters vol 2iss3.pdf https://mdc.custhelp.com/euf/assets/content/MetaMatters vol 2iss4.pdf https://mdc.custhelp.com/euf/assets/content/MetaMatters vol 2iss5.pdf https://mdc.custhelp.com/euf/assets/content/MetaMatters vol 2iss6.pdf

      As a former Dictyostelium discoidium researcher I also want to give credit to Dr. Arthur Arndt, 1937 movies of the developmental cycle of Dicty, see

      http://jeb.biologists.org/content/81/1/33.full.pdf http://www.filmarchives-online.eu/viewDetailForm?FilmworkID=358af36868fa2a8548b03bb2c2cbbf2a

      or simply search the Internet for: arthur arndt dictyostelium movie

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.