2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2015 Apr 01, Mihaela Gadjeva commented:

      The paper does not properly cite published work in the field of NETosis and P. aeruginosa susceptibility to NET-induced killing. The authors seem unaware of published work (Distinct susceptibilities of corneal Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates to neutrophil extracellular trap-mediated immunity. Shan Q, Dwyer M, Rahman S, Gadjeva M. Infection and Immunity PMID: 25047845-available at the time of submission of the above manuscript) that documents in vivo NET production during ocular infection with P. aeruginosa and demonstrates that P. aeruginosa produces outer membrane vesicles (OMV) in response to NET-induced stimulation. Contrary to the claim that no reports have shown before in vivo NET production in response to P. aeruginosa-induced infection, our work available online in July 2014, presented evidence that P. aeruginosa induced NETs in vivo at the ocular surfaces following ocular infection. Further, authors reported that P. aeruginosa secreted OMVs in response to DNA pressure without citing our work on NET-induced P. aeruginosa OMV production. It is clear that in addition to new data, this paper reports findings that agree and confirm our results and should be presented as such, rather than as data reported for the first time.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2015 Apr 01, Mihaela Gadjeva commented:

      The paper does not properly cite published work in the field of NETosis and P. aeruginosa susceptibility to NET-induced killing. The authors seem unaware of published work (Distinct susceptibilities of corneal Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates to neutrophil extracellular trap-mediated immunity. Shan Q, Dwyer M, Rahman S, Gadjeva M. Infection and Immunity PMID: 25047845-available at the time of submission of the above manuscript) that documents in vivo NET production during ocular infection with P. aeruginosa and demonstrates that P. aeruginosa produces outer membrane vesicles (OMV) in response to NET-induced stimulation. Contrary to the claim that no reports have shown before in vivo NET production in response to P. aeruginosa-induced infection, our work available online in July 2014, presented evidence that P. aeruginosa induced NETs in vivo at the ocular surfaces following ocular infection. Further, authors reported that P. aeruginosa secreted OMVs in response to DNA pressure without citing our work on NET-induced P. aeruginosa OMV production. It is clear that in addition to new data, this paper reports findings that agree and confirm our results and should be presented as such, rather than as data reported for the first time.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.