2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2016 Feb 27, Jomar Rabajante commented:

      Corrigendum: The authors regret the following minor errors

      In Fig.5a, the caption should state n=5 instead of n>=5. This is correct in the accepted manuscript but was changed in the published manuscript. We were not able to correct this in the galley proof. Moreover, in the captions for Fig. 5a and Fig 5b, X5 should be X{i not equal to 5} and X4 should be X{i not equal to 4}, respectively. The readers could immediately correct these errors by looking at Fig. 5a and 5b. We also rearranged the first sentences in Fig. 5 for clarity. In summary, the caption for Fig. 5 should be read

      “Fig. 5. Examples of oscillating pathways. See Supplementary Figs. 13-15 and 17 for the stochastic simulations and for the parameter values used. (a-b) There are no deep valleys only continuous zigzag canals. (a) n=5; X{i not equal to 5} are initially silenced. (b) n=4; X{i not equal to 4} are initially silenced. (c) Damped oscillations towards multipotency or pluripotency. The rates of decline of the timescale factors are all equal to 0.001. (d) Damped oscillations resulting in partial differentiation and reversal of dominant GRF. The rates of decline of the timescale factors are not all equal. The initial dominant regulatory factor is GRF 5 but eventually becomes inferior as oscillations dampen.”

      In Supplementary Figure 20, we were not able to change the legend in the graph when we were rearranging the figures. The legend should state that the red broken line pertains to the entropy corresponding to Fig. 5c (instead of 3d), and the blue broken line pertains to the entropy corresponding to Fig. 5d (instead of 3e). The caption for Supplementary Figure 20 is correct.

      These two errors do not affect or change the information in the figures, the results and the discussion in the manuscript.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2016 Feb 27, Jomar Rabajante commented:

      Corrigendum: The authors regret the following minor errors

      In Fig.5a, the caption should state n=5 instead of n>=5. This is correct in the accepted manuscript but was changed in the published manuscript. We were not able to correct this in the galley proof. Moreover, in the captions for Fig. 5a and Fig 5b, X5 should be X{i not equal to 5} and X4 should be X{i not equal to 4}, respectively. The readers could immediately correct these errors by looking at Fig. 5a and 5b. We also rearranged the first sentences in Fig. 5 for clarity. In summary, the caption for Fig. 5 should be read

      “Fig. 5. Examples of oscillating pathways. See Supplementary Figs. 13-15 and 17 for the stochastic simulations and for the parameter values used. (a-b) There are no deep valleys only continuous zigzag canals. (a) n=5; X{i not equal to 5} are initially silenced. (b) n=4; X{i not equal to 4} are initially silenced. (c) Damped oscillations towards multipotency or pluripotency. The rates of decline of the timescale factors are all equal to 0.001. (d) Damped oscillations resulting in partial differentiation and reversal of dominant GRF. The rates of decline of the timescale factors are not all equal. The initial dominant regulatory factor is GRF 5 but eventually becomes inferior as oscillations dampen.”

      In Supplementary Figure 20, we were not able to change the legend in the graph when we were rearranging the figures. The legend should state that the red broken line pertains to the entropy corresponding to Fig. 5c (instead of 3d), and the blue broken line pertains to the entropy corresponding to Fig. 5d (instead of 3e). The caption for Supplementary Figure 20 is correct.

      These two errors do not affect or change the information in the figures, the results and the discussion in the manuscript.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.