2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2016 Mar 07, Joe Newton commented:

      The axon connections (in space-time) limit the range of interactions between different regions. Also, the action potential conduction velocities, (in a space-time frame) are expected the major determinants of where-when they are summed i.e. integrated at downstream neurons. Conduction velocity has been hypothesized (Med Hypotheses. 1999 Jan;52(1):77-83) and the first postulate is being confirmed by large consortium studies for normal and multiple diagnostic anomalies. Example (Mol Psychiatry. 2016 Feb 9. Subcortical volumetric abnormalities in bipolar disorder. Hibar DP et. al.) The results are unusually interesting and support the 1999 space-time event network. Feedback, i.e. "reciprocal" connections, are, for simplicity, not illustrated in the 1999 hypothesis . Action potential events are physically expected to heavily influence the coordination of the simultaneous dynamic control system network events.

      Critique is important to us.

      Congratulations, Joe Ray Newton

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2016 Mar 07, Joe Newton commented:

      The axon connections (in space-time) limit the range of interactions between different regions. Also, the action potential conduction velocities, (in a space-time frame) are expected the major determinants of where-when they are summed i.e. integrated at downstream neurons. Conduction velocity has been hypothesized (Med Hypotheses. 1999 Jan;52(1):77-83) and the first postulate is being confirmed by large consortium studies for normal and multiple diagnostic anomalies. Example (Mol Psychiatry. 2016 Feb 9. Subcortical volumetric abnormalities in bipolar disorder. Hibar DP et. al.) The results are unusually interesting and support the 1999 space-time event network. Feedback, i.e. "reciprocal" connections, are, for simplicity, not illustrated in the 1999 hypothesis . Action potential events are physically expected to heavily influence the coordination of the simultaneous dynamic control system network events.

      Critique is important to us.

      Congratulations, Joe Ray Newton

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.