2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2015 Jun 03, thomas samaras commented:

      Body size is another factor related to differences in male vs. female longevity. For example, I found that American males were 9% taller than females and their life expectancy at birth was 9% less. Another researcher found that when he compared men and women of the same height, their longevity was nearly the same. Rollo found that differences in longevity between male and female mice was due to their differences in body mass. Smaller male dog breeds live longer than females in larger breeds. While women and men have the same length telomeres at birth, men have shorter telomeres at older ages due to higher telomere attrition rates promoted by the creation and maintenance of trillions of additional cells during their lifetimes.

      Based on many species, Moore and Promislow also independently reported that while males generally have higher mortality, when the female of a species is larger, she has a higher mortality compared to the smaller male.

      Sexual longevity dimorphism is discussed in Samaras TT. Evidence from eight different types of studies showing that smaller body size is related to greater longevity. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports, 2014: 3(16): 2150-2160, 2014; article no. JSRR.2014.16.003

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2015 Jun 03, thomas samaras commented:

      Body size is another factor related to differences in male vs. female longevity. For example, I found that American males were 9% taller than females and their life expectancy at birth was 9% less. Another researcher found that when he compared men and women of the same height, their longevity was nearly the same. Rollo found that differences in longevity between male and female mice was due to their differences in body mass. Smaller male dog breeds live longer than females in larger breeds. While women and men have the same length telomeres at birth, men have shorter telomeres at older ages due to higher telomere attrition rates promoted by the creation and maintenance of trillions of additional cells during their lifetimes.

      Based on many species, Moore and Promislow also independently reported that while males generally have higher mortality, when the female of a species is larger, she has a higher mortality compared to the smaller male.

      Sexual longevity dimorphism is discussed in Samaras TT. Evidence from eight different types of studies showing that smaller body size is related to greater longevity. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports, 2014: 3(16): 2150-2160, 2014; article no. JSRR.2014.16.003

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.