2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2016 Apr 08, Tom Kindlon commented:

      Main finding: no difference between all 4 groups. Data shows improvement for APT or SMC-only groups not due to extra CBT or GET

      Despite how the results have been presented, the main result from this study is that there was no difference at long-term follow-up between the 4 cohorts: cognitive behaviour therapy + specialist medical care (CBT); graded exercise therapy + specialist medical care (GET); adaptive pacing therapy + specialist medical care (APT) or specialist medical care alone (SMC).

      I keep seeing it being claimed that the reason the SMC and APT groups caught up with the CBT and GET groups was possibly due to them getting extra CBT or GET after the initial 12 months. What keeps being missed is that we have data to explore that possibility and it is simply not the case. This data may be missed by many as it is in the appendix. The relevant table can be found at this link*: https://twitter.com/TomKindlon/status/718976687384502272

      One person has done the calculations which can be seen in this image**: https://twitter.com/TomKindlon/status/718977817044774912

      The lack of improvement for those who got extra CBT or GET over those who did not can't be assumed to be due to the fact that some of them had less than 10 sessions of extra CBT or GET as those who had less than 10 sessions improved on more measures than those who had 10+ sessions. See***: https://twitter.com/TomKindlon/status/718978753225953283

      *or if you're a member of Phoenix Rising, here: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/pace-trial-lancet-psychiatry-paper-on-long-term-follow-correspondence.42491/page-2#post-687716

      ** or if you're a member of Phoenix Rising, here: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/pace-trial-lancet-psychiatry-paper-on-long-term-follow-correspondence.42491/page-2#post-687705

      *** or if you're a member of Phoenix Rising, here: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/pace-trial-follow-up-heres-the-table-looking-at-the-effects-of-having-cbt-or-get-after-52-weeks.40884/page-2#post-657952

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2016 Apr 08, Tom Kindlon commented:

      Main finding: no difference between all 4 groups. Data shows improvement for APT or SMC-only groups not due to extra CBT or GET

      Despite how the results have been presented, the main result from this study is that there was no difference at long-term follow-up between the 4 cohorts: cognitive behaviour therapy + specialist medical care (CBT); graded exercise therapy + specialist medical care (GET); adaptive pacing therapy + specialist medical care (APT) or specialist medical care alone (SMC).

      I keep seeing it being claimed that the reason the SMC and APT groups caught up with the CBT and GET groups was possibly due to them getting extra CBT or GET after the initial 12 months. What keeps being missed is that we have data to explore that possibility and it is simply not the case. This data may be missed by many as it is in the appendix. The relevant table can be found at this link*: https://twitter.com/TomKindlon/status/718976687384502272

      One person has done the calculations which can be seen in this image**: https://twitter.com/TomKindlon/status/718977817044774912

      The lack of improvement for those who got extra CBT or GET over those who did not can't be assumed to be due to the fact that some of them had less than 10 sessions of extra CBT or GET as those who had less than 10 sessions improved on more measures than those who had 10+ sessions. See***: https://twitter.com/TomKindlon/status/718978753225953283

      *or if you're a member of Phoenix Rising, here: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/pace-trial-lancet-psychiatry-paper-on-long-term-follow-correspondence.42491/page-2#post-687716

      ** or if you're a member of Phoenix Rising, here: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/pace-trial-lancet-psychiatry-paper-on-long-term-follow-correspondence.42491/page-2#post-687705

      *** or if you're a member of Phoenix Rising, here: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/pace-trial-follow-up-heres-the-table-looking-at-the-effects-of-having-cbt-or-get-after-52-weeks.40884/page-2#post-657952

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.