2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2016 Jun 03, Ewen Gallagher commented:

      An Extra View article related to our published analysis investigating the role of Mekk1 (encoded by Map3k1) in T cells using Map3k1<sup>ΔKD</sup> and Lck<sup>Cre/+</sup> Map3k1<sup>f/f</sup> mice (1). Examines the role of Mekk1 in Th17 differentiation, and includes a comparison between the roles of Mekk1 and Tak1 (encoded by Map3k7) in the liver T cells using Map3k1<sup>ΔKD</sup>, Lck<sup>Cre/+</sup> Map3k1<sup>f/f</sup> and Lck<sup>Cre/+</sup> Map3k7<sup>f/f</sup> mice.

      Related research. (1). Suddason T, Anwar S, Charlaftis N, Gallagher E. T-Cell-Specific Deletion of Map3k1 Reveals the Critical Role for Mekk1 and Jnks in Cdkn1b-Dependent Proliferative Expansion. Cell Rep 2016; 14:449-57.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2016 Jun 03, Ewen Gallagher commented:

      An Extra View article related to our published analysis investigating the role of Mekk1 (encoded by Map3k1) in T cells using Map3k1<sup>ΔKD</sup> and Lck<sup>Cre/+</sup> Map3k1<sup>f/f</sup> mice (1). Examines the role of Mekk1 in Th17 differentiation, and includes a comparison between the roles of Mekk1 and Tak1 (encoded by Map3k7) in the liver T cells using Map3k1<sup>ΔKD</sup>, Lck<sup>Cre/+</sup> Map3k1<sup>f/f</sup> and Lck<sup>Cre/+</sup> Map3k7<sup>f/f</sup> mice.

      Related research. (1). Suddason T, Anwar S, Charlaftis N, Gallagher E. T-Cell-Specific Deletion of Map3k1 Reveals the Critical Role for Mekk1 and Jnks in Cdkn1b-Dependent Proliferative Expansion. Cell Rep 2016; 14:449-57.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.