2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2016 Jun 16, David Keller commented:

      Rarely-laundered lab coats and neckties risk transmission of harmful bacteria

      It is all well and good that patients prefer their doctors to wear white lab coats, but the safety and well-being of patients demands they not be exposed to the highly unsanitary white coat which is laundered only once a week or even once a fortnight. And when, if ever, was the last time you autoclaved your neckties? Never, like me. And think of all the bacteria the distal tip of your tie has picked up over the years. No, my colleagues, our attire must only consist of freshly-laundered garb each day: if you wore it before, then wear it no more. The necktie must be forever banished from clinical areas. Bow-ties are creepy and clearly a form of nerd micro-aggression; therefore, we must wear our clean shirts open at the neck, regardless of how casual and relaxed this may cause us to feel, or to be perceived.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2016 Jun 16, David Keller commented:

      Rarely-laundered lab coats and neckties risk transmission of harmful bacteria

      It is all well and good that patients prefer their doctors to wear white lab coats, but the safety and well-being of patients demands they not be exposed to the highly unsanitary white coat which is laundered only once a week or even once a fortnight. And when, if ever, was the last time you autoclaved your neckties? Never, like me. And think of all the bacteria the distal tip of your tie has picked up over the years. No, my colleagues, our attire must only consist of freshly-laundered garb each day: if you wore it before, then wear it no more. The necktie must be forever banished from clinical areas. Bow-ties are creepy and clearly a form of nerd micro-aggression; therefore, we must wear our clean shirts open at the neck, regardless of how casual and relaxed this may cause us to feel, or to be perceived.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.