2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2017 Dec 25, Francisco Felix commented:

      Overall survival is based on a not long enough follow-up time (7.8 y median follow-up versus 10y-OS estimate), so its mature value will probably be a little inferior, maybe (and this is a blind shot) near 70-75%. Nevertheless, this is a homage to all the efforts and good will by so many people devoted to bring about better results for the treatment of these kids. As well as the bleak prognosis of relapsed patients reminds us all that there is so much more to do... I believe that transnational cooperative group projects have done a formidable job so far, but it is now time to move on to the next step: global open science initiatives.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2017 Dec 25, Francisco Felix commented:

      Overall survival is based on a not long enough follow-up time (7.8 y median follow-up versus 10y-OS estimate), so its mature value will probably be a little inferior, maybe (and this is a blind shot) near 70-75%. Nevertheless, this is a homage to all the efforts and good will by so many people devoted to bring about better results for the treatment of these kids. As well as the bleak prognosis of relapsed patients reminds us all that there is so much more to do... I believe that transnational cooperative group projects have done a formidable job so far, but it is now time to move on to the next step: global open science initiatives.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.